Band of Brothers

7 Oct 2003
I've just finished watching this through again, for the first time in about 5 years, and I have to say I'm gob-smacked all over again.

The series is just stupendous from start to finish and the last two episodes are two of the most 'lump in throat' hours of tele I think I've ever seen!

Amazing stuff. If you havent seen it then you're missing out.
The book is just as good, give that a read. Infact, read all of Ambrose's WWII books, I guarantee come November you will be walking up to that old man with a 20 in your hand
Every time i'm off from school, i spend all day watching this from start to finish.
Sadly, that's never often enough.

Stupendous is definitely the word to describe how good this series is.
Yes I watched these again in January 2006. It is a simply fantastic series. I can feel an urge coming on to watch them again soon!
I think i'm going to have to buy this at some point.

Never bothered with it before, but I watched Saving Private Ryan again recently and enjoyed it a lot more than I did the first time around, which makes me think I would like Band of Brothers as well.
wedgie22 said:
but I watched Saving Private Ryan again recently and enjoyed it a lot more than I did the first time around, which makes me think I would like Band of Brothers as well.
BoB knocks spots off of Saving Private Ryan. Im well pleased I bought the tin box set when it first came out. Deffinately the best 45 quid I have ever spent.
Smithy said:
BoB knocks spots off of Saving Private Ryan. Im well pleased I bought the tin box set when it first came out. Deffinately the best 45 quid I have ever spent.

agreed i bought it when it first came out as well and i watch it on a monthly bases lol imho i prefer BoB than to saving private ryan because it had more depth and doesnt depend to much on its open scenes ie the beach, it has better charcters whom you feel for right from boot camp to VE day. unlike saving private ryan whos charcters just annoy the hell out of me and tbh i end up rooting for the nazis :(
i've been holding off watching this again recently, i'm awaiting the impending HD-DVD to come out.

But i remember watching on it on tv when it was originaly released a few years ago and loving, especially the episodes in the snow covered forests.
Superb show, one of my all time favorites, the last bonus DVD with my set does not want to work though has anyone else had this problem? its in perfect condition :confused:
Parachute Infantry by David Webster is another book about Easy company and gives a very different perspective on events.
slothmeister said:
i've been holding off watching this again recently, i'm awaiting the impending HD-DVD to come out.

But i remember watching on it on tv when it was originaly released a few years ago and loving, especially the episodes in the snow covered forests.

“’Where the hell are we?’
‘I don’t know but it sure ain’t hell its too damn cold to be’”

Love it. :D
I also found that I appreciated WWII documentaries a hell of a lot more than I used to after watching BoB. And WWII games which had levels you could relate to in the film - Such as BF1942 and Company Of Hero's.
Smithy said:

“’Where the hell are we?’
‘I don’t know but it sure ain’t hell its too damn cold to be’”

Love it. :D

yeah those scenes with the mortar rounds coming in are brilliantly filmed.

One can't imagine the horror of that being stuck in a trench whilst tree trunks fall around you. Preying it isnt your turn to have your legs blown clean off. Then guy who lost his finger nails digging a hole brings home the horror of it all.
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