Band of Brothers

Nursie said:
It was written by Webster from his letters home and recollections after his discharge from Easy.

It gives an insight into his thoughts and feelings during his time with Easy.


/goes to famous online bookstore to order a copy.

I thought the brits got a rough deal in the book. Holland was a very difficult period in the war and the rhine was not an easy crossing for any of the allies.
MarcLister said:
Korean kit bag? :confused:

"We Stand Alone Together: The Men of Easy Company" documentary (80mins)
"Making of Band of Brothers" documentary (30mins)
"HBO Premiere Screening on the Beaches of Normandy" featurette (3mins)
"Who's Who: The Men of Easy Company"
Ron Livingston's Video Diaries [12] (56mins)
"A Message from Jeep" Commercial (1min)
Supplemental Material (can be found in the Army Bag):
-"Manual Book for the Band of Brothers Military Edition" booklet (in Korean only)
-2 "Dog Tags"
-9 Different D-Day Text Documents (in English):
*General Dwight D. Eisenhower's "Order of the Day"
*Map of German Defenses on the Normandy Area
*FAQ to Soldiers (When They Reach Normandy)
*2 Maps:
- "Omaha Beach West"
- "Omaha Beach East"
*Allies Equipment
*French Leaflet (Which Has Been Dropped After the Invasion)
*The Frontpage of the "Evening Despatch" Newspaper from 6/6/1944
*German Notice by the Propaganda Ministry from 6/6/1944
*Caricature of Winston Churchill
-List of Supplemental Material (in Korean)
Chinese, English, Indonesian, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish and Thai
Aspect Ratio:
Picture Format:
TV System:
English Dolby Digital 5.1
Spanish Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo
Case type:
Special Case
would love for them to do a short tv show show based on the pegasus bridge battle :D it was us brits that went to battle first on enemy ground on d-day
dannyjo22 said:
Anyone know of any plans to have this released in HD? Whichever format it comes out on will be getting my money.
I read on Avi forums that it is due for a HD DVD release later this year, not confirmed yet though.

Awesome series. I got the metal tin box set and watch it once a year. Bastogne always blows my mind, what they went through in that forest!
Bony Maloney said:
I read on Avi forums that it is due for a HD DVD release later this year, not confirmed yet though.

Awesome series. I got the metal tin box set and watch it once a year. Bastogne always blows my mind, what they went through in that forest!

Thanks, if that happens I will buy the HD add on for my 360. B of B os one of the only sets that would make me upgrade like that.

Best TV i've ever seen.
Great series. When the actual men are talking at the start of the episodes, and they're close to tears, struggling to get their words out - that's what grips my throat everytime.
Fantastic series - My fave bit is where yer man runs through the village occupied by the germans to tell the company on the other side a message and then runs back through the village again.

And the final statement/interview at the end where he tells the story of his grandson asking if he was a hero in the war. gets me every time
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