Bank of England, Sterling and Government Treason

29 Jan 2008
prob with this stuff is that some of the stuff there is true (albeit presented in a rather dodgy way) and then mixed in with a load of weird conspiraloon opinions & made up claims - someone trying to verify the 'facts' in the article might well confirm some of them from other sources then be open to believing the rest of the rubbish.
29 Jan 2008
Curiously I wonder what other suggestions you have about how finance should be run in the U.K and what benefits a different approach would bring?

Although this wasn't directed at me, in contrast to the OP's cut and paste - some of the things I'd do would involve giving more power to the BoE
17 Jan 2004

Freeze all outstanding debt. Zero all outstanding loans interest rates. Withdraw all troops and services on active duty in any hostile zones and bring them home. Allow industrial companies and businesses to re-tool for alternative flexible production. Allow services, hospitals, fire service, police etc to be 100% self governing. Increase inland waterways networks ten fold, reduce commercial road and air traffic at least ten fold. Update all water supply methods (in line with waterways work) and equipment, routes and storage facilities. Shore up coastal defences in all areas but particularly in weak areas, making them a part of the water network. Render telecoms and internet communication free of any charges. Cut all advertising by a minimum of half and strictly cap advertising revenue. Allow schools to be dedicated and specialized to the needs of individuals, and allow for schools to self budget. Encourage individual self developement. Allow ball games and all outdoor pastimes any any reasonably appropriate area/s. Allow free expression without walls or limits of any kind bar excess aggression and violence. Halt future building work pending review. Ensure 100% building use throughout the country, allow no empty buildings. Re-structure social services to become pro community system. Establish a waiting list for immigrants, establish protocols appropriate to the benefit and development of the country and all it's communities.

For benefits in any area other than those of our product and developmental efficiency and individual quality of life, there are probably none. :D
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8 Feb 2006
The BoE is controlled by the Saudis who are in turn controlled by alien lifeforms, this additionaly povides a motive for 9/11.

Why would aliens want to bring down the British Empire and the twin towers? In 1917 T.E. Lawrence (a British Colonel) has used the saudis to fight the ottoman empire. It turned out later that this was to aid of the British empire rather than the Saudis It was also apparent that Lawrence had a degree in the study of the crusades, which was a revolt against the alien strongholds in the middle east and the aliens weren't pleased.

The Saudis wanted revenge and needed the aliens mind control techniiques to take control of the BoE. Unfortunately, the twin towers were actually a part of a large alien anti-mind control device that was created by the US and was stopping the Saudis outright control of the BoE. After infiltrating the US governement the Saudis managed to secretly plant explosives in the twin towers, thus the aliens managed to destroy this device.

The Aliens were further concerned that humans would learn the truth of all life on earth. They had created all life on earth 6000 years ago as part of the Young Earth Creationism project, which they didn't want getting out as it could undermine their earthly powerbase. It was becoming apparent that this truth was leaking out in the US due to the effect of the twin towers. The destruction of the towers has enabled the proliferation of the false evolution through natural selection theory constructed by an alien implant in Charles Darwins arm.

In 2009 another serious alien threat has emerged. Alien masterspy Burnsy2023 is using OCuk as a front for his alien mind control device peddling via the Intel and Nvidia corporations, at the same time suppressing of the truth by his thread closing functions. In a secret joke between his alien overloards and the saudis, the number 2023 is the year the aliens, led by Burnsy, will destroy our planet.

....hang on, someone's at the door...
14 Feb 2008
And you have found out that it isn't. It is in fact owned by the Treasury.

Long term monetary policy is set by the government, how the Bank meets that is set by the comittee. I used to work for someone who was on the a Director of the Bank (Laurel Powers-Freeling) and she is quite far from the controlling mastermind that seems to be suggested.

So in short, the Bank of England is owned by the Government and Monetary Policy is set by the government but it has independance on how to inact that policy. Which is a "GOOD" thing, because it stops political short termism from unduly influencing the Bank of England.

Why bother? Evangelicon demolished him in the last thread that brought this up and is now being ignored and all posts dismissed for it -- using facts on this brand of lunatic won't work, probably best to just let their threads die, it is not as if any of their mental ideas will ever amount to anything.
17 Jan 2004
I've worked in advertising, motorsport and architecture for over 20 years. Advertising self perpetuates and bears no actual relation to things that are free other than by association eg: free ads on top of a free movie.

Advertsing, (particularly online) demographics and statistics are every bit as laughable to substantiate as conspiracy theories. When true useful targetted advertising prevails, free things can truly be free without any need for the white noise of irrelevant and time wasting advertising.

See, advertising has kind of evolved it's own form of self procurement, by virtue of the proliferation of free things, say, online. The two have become synonymous when in fact they are not dependant upon one another to survive.

Smart advertising and intelligent agencies know this. :)
29 Jan 2008
i havent researched these points in depth myself,...

So you're basically a gullible person and have simply copied and pasted a bunch of rubbish. How are you even able to justify trying to defend it when by your own admission you're a bit clueless. These claims aren't things that need to be investigated in depth.
10 Nov 2003
Surrey, by the river
Nope, lets not research or debate anything in the article that would be too educated....

i havent researched these points in depth myself......

Hmm, something doesn't add up here.

You accuse us of not bothing to do our own research rather then taking in everything that's put in front of us, and you've just done exactly the same thing with the non-mainstream media.

If you want to have a discussion about it it comeback with either fully formed argument, or identify the bits that you can't prove and cut them out, then we can talk.
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Man of Honour
4 Nov 2002
West Berkshire
You want facts, eh? Well, let's debunk this one then...

they must have one Bank of England note in reserve for every note of their own that they issue.

Wrong. Do some research on Giants and Titans. And no, these ones don't have anything to do with American Football. The Scottish banks don't hold millions of BofE £5, £10, and £50 notes. That would be impractical, expensive, and downright silly. The requirement is that Scottish banks must hold BofE-issued notes to the value of Scottish-issued notes. For this purpose, the BofE issues £1m notes (Giants) and £100m notes (Titans). It's perfectly acceptable to hold a Giant in lieu of 100,000 £10 notes, and a lot more practical.


And unfortunately it all goes downhill from there.

Cutting and pasting some mind numbing drivel from AboveTopSecret or somewhere else without making even the slightest effort to check its content does you no favours at all.
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18 Oct 2002
Royston, Herts
Keltik and co, can I just say that if you are unhappy with the responses here and feel that people are not taking your pet issue de jour seriously etc, then simpy don't post here. Feel free to join a forum where this sort of stuff is debated to your satisfaction. That way everyone wins.

Bye now!



18 Oct 2002
Freeze all outstanding debt. Zero all outstanding loans interest rates. Withdraw all troops and services on active duty in any hostile zones and bring them home. Allow industrial companies and businesses to re-tool for alternative flexible production. Allow services, hospitals, fire service, police etc to be 100% self governing. Increase inland waterways networks ten fold, reduce commercial road and air traffic at least ten fold. Update all water supply methods (in line with waterways work) and equipment, routes and storage facilities. Shore up coastal defences in all areas but particularly in weak areas, making them a part of the water network. Render telecoms and internet communication free of any charges. Cut all advertising by a minimum of half and strictly cap advertising revenue. Allow schools to be dedicated and specialized to the needs of individuals, and allow for schools to self budget. Encourage individual self developement. Allow ball games and all outdoor pastimes any any reasonably appropriate area/s. Allow free expression without walls or limits of any kind bar excess aggression and violence. Halt future building work pending review. Ensure 100% building use throughout the country, allow no empty buildings. Re-structure social services to become pro community system. Establish a waiting list for immigrants, establish protocols appropriate to the benefit and development of the country and all it's communities.

For benefits in any area other than those of our product and developmental efficiency and individual quality of life, there are probably none. :D

The government and society you describe sounds like a fascist/authoritarian/communist state. Very left wing and socialist...
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