Funny one on that - I know of someone - daughter of a friend of a friend, in person seems demure and very pleasant but I accidentally discovered her posting on Reddit (honestly wasn't stalking her or anything like that hah - just happened by chance to come across a post that mentioned things IRL that positively identified them) out of curiosity I clicked on her profile and looked at posting history and wish I hadn't - some of the most vile, ugliness, a lot of it from a feminist anti-men angle, I've read online and I've seen a lot stuff online in my time.
It is hard to reconcile the two pictures of the same person but I'm 100% it is.
In this case I would completely sever contact with them. These sort of demented women with this viewpoint of men would think of nothing of saying that they had been assaulted/abused while they were in the room alone with a man. No evidence would see the man get his life ruined and no repercussions on her. If I was asked why I didn't go round to their house anymore I would tell them straight. If by chance she asked the same question (hopefully with others witnessing) I would tell her straight that her viewpoint was disgusting and not very feminine... And see her head explode!