BARGAIN - OcUK 24" with DVI (*VA Panel) for £179.99+VAT (This Week Only Deal!!)

Mine died today. wont switch on any more, just keeps power cycling and clicking. it lasted 4 &1/2 years so i cant really complain i guess!

check your power supply capacitors if you didn't replace some of them already.

Got mine power cycling, slow blue light on/off cycle with a scratch sound in the speakers.

Replaced three capacitors, very slightly bulged, following another user advice, and it got back to life.

Well for 6 months at least, now i get another failure, probably something else on the power supply not capacitors related, or the lcd panel itself, can't be sure..
Yeah I've since taken it apart and a few of the caps are a bit suspect. I'll pick up some replacement caps and give it a go. Worst case it doesnt work and i've wasted a few quid and 15 minuted of my time, but if it does then ill at least get some more use out of it before it completely dies - it already had screen burn and a row of dead pixels so i've been waiting for it to kick the bucket for months :p
Anyone have an idea what's wrong with mine?
VGA input works but DVI doesn't. I've taken the monitor apart and couldn't see any loose connections around the DVI port. Apart from that I don't really know what else I should be checking. I've tried another PC, different DVI cable and another graphics card.
it should work, i changed the 3 or 4 1000uF 16v near the bottom edge of the board, in the area of the cables going to the input board.

But then again mine died with a different failure 6 month later, replaced almost all of the capacitors but it didn't make a difference, probably a problem with the panel itself according to someone else with the same problem.

yeah certainly a problem with you logic board, hard to tell if you can't see any solder cracks on the connector itself..

hot weather will accelerate degradation of the already weak (dried up) capacitors, can also damage power components if they overheat.
Mine has now got a bit of Screen Burn that I see in Photoshop. Been GREAT since I bought it from OC
Is it time to buy another Monitor or can Screen Burn be fixed?
If another monitor---Which one is as Good as this DGM for photoshop.
If you do buy another monitor, you might want to look for another VA monitor. I think Benq do one.

I bought a Dell IPS monitor and the graphics (movies, games, videos, etc), don't look as good on IPS, when compared with this DGM PVA monitor.

The DGM PVA monitor came very close to the graphics performance of my Sony CRT monitor. The Dell IPS is poor in comparison (and I spent hours playing around with the settings of the Dell).

VA monitors tend to give deeper blacks (closer to CRT). The colours are vibrant and lush.
The images on the Dell IPS, were as if the image has been put in a washing machine, washed for 10 hours and then stuck back on the screen. The colours were no where near as vibrant or powerful.

In summary, I would suggest you try out a VA panel, if you like the image produced by the DGM.
My DGM is still going strong, I even emigrated to Oz with it in a suitcase - twice!

It was the Samsung S-PVA panel like the one found in the Eizo so I was really lucky.

I wish i could use my PS3 with it - does anyone know of a good VA monitor good for gaming that supports HDCP and has DVI & HDMI ports?
Two DGM 24" VA type monitors over here still going good. Value for money :)

Same with mine. First arrived with added clicking sound effects but this one has been going for so many years I've forgotten when I bought it! (2008?).

It has however started to develop some burn in from the bookmarks bar in Chrome. :(
I still have one of the DGM VA panels. It lives in my bedroom now connected to a Raspberry Pi. Still going strong although the backlight is starting to become a bit uneven.
Mine recently broke as well :(

A sad day indeed. I need to open it up and check for broken capacitors but I can't work out how the stand comes of. Any ideas?
Firstly apologies for digging up this old thread. I still have one of these in working order which I want to use for a small project I'm putting together.

However I want to remove as much of the casing as possible and I'm struggling to work out how the casing comes off. Before I resort to breaking out the Dremel and breaking bits off I thought I'd check here.
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