Batman Arkham City - Thread

Anything from an 8600GT upwards will work, but the better the card, the less it'll hold back the rest of the system once enabling PhysX.

You install the card, and the drivers, then run the Hybrid PhysX Mod from here

I did have my old 8800GT installed for PhysX, but when I swapped round a few motherboards earlier in the year, the 8800GT went into my HTPC. I recently picked up a GTX260 768mb card for nothing, so decided to throw it in my main PC again.
lame :( got mine on pre-order. Ah well im sure it will be worth the wait, as long as it arrives before xmas i'll be happy.
Its only 1 extra week ;) The delays are most probably down to:

Steam buyers only now get Steam Cloud for saves & Steam Achievements as well as GFWL achievements. Retail version or other digital copies are GFWL + Securom only. Steam version is GFWL+Steamworks+Securom.

Full DX11 features like Tessellation + PhysX for Nvidia GPU's & 10GB+ high res textures (360 install is 7.8GB vs PC is 17GB huge difference in graphics ;) ).

Its one of the best games in ages & overall as good as Arkham Asylum but much more content & around 100 hours worth in all so value for money is high. If you loved Arkham Asylum then this will be something you get as much enjoyment from. The voiceovers, sound effects & music really are superb & amongst the best ever made in any game the comic book batman atmosphere is really outstanding & the open world of Arkham City is quite stunning & some of the fantastic locations you can visit which combine to make this a great game. Its easily the best looking Unreal Engine game to date & uses the very latest UT3.7 with improved HDR lighting & full DX11 support :D

2 weeks left for what will be the GOTY IMO ;)
I've still only completed 29% of AA, great game but seems so long, though I expect part of that percentage is based on solving absolutely everything, things like the Riddler's challenges, etc.
OH FFS!!! :mad:

If this gets delayed any more for the PC, I am just going to go and get it for the 360 :(

Why can't they just release a demo for the PC since we have to wait this long after console players.
As long as they have done some really good work on the PC version I don't mind it being late at all. If it is only a tad better then console versiosn....well I will be a little miffed then.
Just got this of steam for £27.99 mainly for the steam could, not bothered that the game has been delayed but a week which means nothing to me because it's better waiting an extra week then a month.
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment have announced that the Games for Windows PC version of Batman: Arkham City has suffered a further delay. The videogame will now be available in the UK beginning 25th November, 2011.
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True! :mad:

Don't see why they can't just give us a demo of the first mission like they did for the first game, better having something than having to wait till the end of the month now whilst all those console owners have probably completed the game by now! :(

I got the game a day early, finished it the next day and I haven't played it much at all since. :p
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