BATMAN on HD4890

20 Feb 2009
WHy am i getting like under 20 fps on Batman. I have 8 gig ram Q6600 clocked at 3.3ghz. Is it that PhyX crap Nvidea are pushing ? All settings on max, do i need to change this ?
Have you forced aa through catalyst control centre? Doing this gave me poor framerates. Try this before you go updating drivers etc.
As said, turn off PhysX.

For me running at 1920x1080 with a 4870 and q6600 at 3.8 with 2xaa (forced) the benchmark gives me min/max/av of 11/52/16.

Same settings with physX off give me 52/98/73.
before i went back onto crossfire [took my second card out to put waterblocks on one at a time]

my 4890s were playing batman fine - fantastic fps even using one card tbh

gaming at 1900X1200 with everything on max
It was PhysX ! Totally killed it. Not dropping below 60 fps now with v syn. Spretty good looking game like, So what am i missing with physx being turned off then ?
I'm pretty hacked off really - bought the game thinking the PhysX content might be worthwhile, but it carps all over the frame rate even on the lowest setting and all you get is a bit of paper fluttering about. That's with a high-end Nvidia card. Nvidia = fail.
My cape and paper moved on an ATI 4870. I think it's more like the air around fans and such like (by which I mean there's like a light fog around some of the fans which doesn't appear).

Can't say I feel I've missed anything with PhysX off.

I've played with it ON and OFF and I have to say, you really wouldn't miss it.

The only time I sat back and thought "" at the physx was in the scarecrow sections. Mainly cos one particular event caused my PC to bleed =p
More to the point is why am I forced to Install PhysX software to run Arkham Asylum, I don't need it and I don't want it. Just another piece of useless software if your running an ATI card
Obviously it's to make you aware of PhysX so that the next time you upgrade you want a card that supports it - which is only NVidia then they make money.

All a big marketing ploy.

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