Battered Pork Pie...

If you like quick **** jokes I am here all week.

I thought it would be like fish and chip batter if it was proper crispy I would have ran to wherever it was being cooked/fried!!

I would still love to try that and deep fried cheesecake!
It is like fish and chip shop batter... It was super crispy, the final picture doesn't show that very well (my oil got dirty after my battered chocolate bar melted). The other pictures show the crispiness a bit better.
I worked in a chip shop for 4 years, I'm an expert ;). All the batter is is lager and flour.
Some may, generally though if it's something 'messy' (read - if it can melt) they won't do it as it'll mess up the oil and friers - places that do deep fried chocolate generally have a small dedicated frier just for that, we never did it for customers at my one. However, it's worth asking.
I'll do anything you want and report back though. Or you could come to the Glasgow meet, stay at my flat and fry whatever you want! :D
I don't really have anymore, there wasn't a whole lot that I could do with it in a photograph! Here's an action shot of 'ze Piettered' (name patented, copyright protected and trademarked!) (see what I did there?) slices cooking.
I like you, you can stay.

So, anyone here a fan of my pork pie?

I must admit, it got quite sickly... My arteries are well and truly blocked now.

No thanks mate, you can keep it, my arteries are getting clogged just thinking of it.
what is it with the Scottish and deep frying? ;):p
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