
Had a little mess about with the OB and it was fun, sort of Demigod meets Team fortress.

If I can find it for £20 I'll probably give it a punt.
Stuck it on today to give it ago, enjoyed running through the story missions reminded me of playing through Borderlands.

PVP game mode seems ok but I can't honestly see myself spending hours and hours playing it.
Went for it, £19 on cdkeys with the pre-order dlc. I enjoyed the beta and it should hold my interest until Overwatch is released albeit they are totally different game types.

Biscuits pre-view is quite good.

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Played the beta and it was far from average,deeply engrossing experience.
Between this and overwatch I'm sorted for a long time.
Waiting till reviews come in, got a feeling that it's going to be very average... hope I'm wrong.

I think the one thing that could prove a problem is the imminent release of Overwatch and it's beta. Blizzard's game is going to be a humongous success.

Most people will look at both games and probably assume they are the same.

Don't forget you have a full single player/co-op campaign with humongous maps seperate from the MP ones. They have massive end level raid bosses, siege type gameplay and escort type missions.
Brilliant!!, having just played the first campaign solo on Hard that one word sums it up. It took a total of 92mins to complete, with no break and quite a few deaths along the way. The map was humongous, with tons of variation from mini-bosses to end of level raid type bosses.

The loot system is quite good, it's not bound to any one character regardless of which one obtained it. Infact, the depth of the game initially is quite daunting but it feels really polished with a lot of detail.

Now for some multiplayer!
Just done the prologue and then a mission with 4 internet randoms. Enjoying it so far, chose Marquis - the gentleman sniper, not a great choice tbh, his 'Q+E' attacks aren't anything meaningful, a dome shield and an owl, much like mordacai from BL.

The game runs well, looks well, just needs a semi-healthy community to keep it going :)
Well I didn't expect this to be so good.

It's like Borderlands, The Division and Heroes of the Storm all got it on and this was the result. If you like a game with depth, replayability and action you can't go wrong.
Im on the fence between it and Overwatch also one of these games will capture the FPS/Moba crown and i am not spending money on both i do not think so im gonna see who wins.... FIGHT! says to me technically Overwatch is more superior at the minute because it has AA and if you just want super sharp 4K you can. Notice Battleborn has neither and they are "Investigating" 4K support.
Overwatch will be far more popular, it won't even be close.

My experience of playing this is that it's trash. That said they're different games so it's which suits you better. Watch plenty of videos on both then go with one you like the look of most.
That's going to be the games biggest problem, people comparing it to Overwatch.

The two games couldn't be further apart in terms of gameplay and content. They both have CTF modes but Battleborn is more like Heroes of the Storm in first person than OW.

Battleborn is both a story driven single player game that can also be completed co-op (upto 5 players) and a MOBA with various modes that can also be played solo with bots.

In the story mode you get to battle through waves of enemies, take over bases then setup defenses via different types of turrets.

Take a look at this early co-op mission just to see the size of the levels, the graphical variety and also the massive raid bosses. It will highlight just how different the two games actually are. (Raid boss @ 24mins in)

Well i have no idea the difference between OW and Battleborn, And im only interested in MP modes like CTF or objective based. So im unsure but co-op raid bosses is not something ill even dabble in.

Thats where i have say WoW... This is why im comparing these two are they not both FPS/Moba?
Well i have no idea the difference between OW and Battleborn, And im only interested in MP modes like CTF or objective based. So im unsure but co-op raid bosses is not something ill even dabble in.

Thats where i have say WoW... This is why im comparing these two are they not both FPS/Moba?

Overwatch is like TF2, Battleborn is like a FPS MOBA.
I cant even load the game up, it goes onto the unreal engine logo and the game crashes with no error message other than "something happened" no details, tried uninstalling and reinstalling, tried updating drivers etc. tried it in windowed mode and i have no joy...
I cant even load the game up, it goes onto the unreal engine logo and the game crashes with no error message other than "something happened" no details, tried uninstalling and reinstalling, tried updating drivers etc. tried it in windowed mode and i have no joy...

try editing the resolution via the C:\Users\******\Documents\my games\Battleborn\PoplarGame\Config *PoplarEngine.ini*


Try setting startup video to *false*

Also try turning on/off the steam overlay via properties in steam. Also validate files in steam*

Without knowing more about gfx card, drivers, etc etc help is limited.
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