*** Battlefield 1 ***

It seems a bit less stuttery and juddery especially with a lot going on and destruction.

Im finding it superb best Battlefield in a long time for me..
Thanks for the info, it does look very good, the last BF campaign I enjoyed was BC2. I'm still considering buying an Xbox One so will wait until that decision to choose my platform but the fact it runs better on the Xbox is very interesting.

Also have you (or anyone else) tried it on the hardest difficulty? Eurogamer claim the AI is fairly dumb, but from what I've seen it was only on normal difficulty. I'd like something with a decent challenge...
Not noticed many FPS issues on my S.

Perhaps the game gets a slight FPS increase on that model, or at least prevents any drastic drops?
Is there a way to quit the game once a round has finished?

It goes on to the scoreboard but with how laggy the menu's are it seems to start loading the next one before you can do anything meaning I have to wait until the next round starts to actually quit. The only options I can see are to look at your battlepacks or the scores for the previous round.
I played this until about 02:30 last night purely doing conquest. Loving it, plenty of maps, like all of them and I like the way I can still be effective without a massive k/d ratio. Got my medic to rank 10 and main rank to 23. Still using the rank 1 gadgets though as I think they offer more than any others. Completed 1 medal and close to finishing a second. Really looking forward to trying the other game modes when I can drag myself away from conquest.

Being in a good squad drastically increases the experience, I was in one the same 4 random people for around 2.5 hours last night. We won every game apart from 1 with at least 3 of us in the top 5 every round. When they all left I was in one where everyone ignored designated targets (if there were any) and ran around solo. I left that and ended up squad leader of another one with decent squad mates and it was much more enjoyable again.
Does anyone know where the SP unlocks are in the MP load out? I've unlocked a couple of guns, but i'll be damned if I can see them anywhere in the load out options.

Forgot to mention, I cant find how to request ammo or medic etc. I'm sure there was a radial selection thingy but can't figure it out and it isn't mentioned in the controls section.
Where did you guys preorder your hard copies of the game to get them this early? I've just received a despatched notice for mine so won't see it for a day or two yet.
I've used my 10 hour trial, waiting for a delivery from Simply Games before I can play again. Are they good for pre-orders? It said it was despacthed yesterday so I'm hoping it comes tomorrow.
Graphics are excellent. Just played Operations on Iron walls and i hated it mind, the aircraft carrier type thing in the sky just obliterated me everytime i tried to get somewhere was no fun what so ever!
Played a couple of hours tonight and am loving it so far. So much so that I used a voucher I had lying around for premium.

If any of you guys want to get together for games then post your psn on here and I'll fire out a few friend requests if I don't already have you on my list.
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