*** Battlefield 1 ***

I bought this digitally on Xbox one so I can game share with my lad who's on XB1 and wants it also.

Plus I know that Soulja will drop this game like a ginger stepchild when COD comes out so I'll be left with nobody to play with :D

That's not true, I played bf4 a lot on both xbox and ps4...though I only really play domination on bf.
Note: You have to wait whilst the game installs multiplayer, so you are kind of forced to either wait that out or play singleplayer at the start.

Took away some valuable MP time last night.

Levelling up seems to take ages too.
are the ps4 servers down? Can't seem to connect at the moment. PSN connected fine.

Really enjoying this, played a few hours last night.

Definitely too many snipers though. I suspect it won't be too long until better servers with certain restrictions etc come out. hope so.
Not easy probably, don't expect to be good within minutes and quit if youre not, just stick with it and give it a few days. I actually prefer playing with a controller these days.

I am the exact opposite. Just built a new PC so have bought BF1 on PC. Last BF game I played on PC was 2142 back in 2006. I suck at using a mouse now whilst I could quite easily go 2:1 on xbox during the beta :p.
My copy just arrived but need to free up 36gb of space. Anyone successfully upgraded hard drives on a PS4 to a 1 or 2 TB size? I've read of issues people had with upgrading.
Thanks Jase & michty_me.

It's a shame I never got to try the beta on PS4. I don't really want to spend £40 and then find out I can't aim using a controller. I was bad enough on PC using M&K. :)
the AI is appalling in single player unfortunately..does kind of take away from the experience a bit but it's a good 'distraction'. Not sure i'll bother to complete it now that MP is up and running though
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