*** Battlefield 1 ***

i literally haven't played this for about 5 months. I was really into it, ranked up pretty high...loved the first expansion and then just suddenly stopped. I've got premium so i may as well give the next expansion a go. Is that the second one or have i missed one since the first?
They appeared to be down the other night, but are up and running now. They seem a bit laggy though (or possibly my plusnet connection!)
Iv been playing this game for a while now, wish i had got it on PC. I did get bored until i brought the they shall not pass DLC, now i feel the need to buy the others after playing the new DLC other the last week.

What rank are you guys? 88
What game modes you like playing? Conquest, Front lines and operations.

My weapons of choice

Assault: Hellriegle once i unlocked. But i change it up depending on the level between that the Automatico or Model-A Hunter
Medic: Selbstlader 1906 Factory
Support: BAR Trench or Chauchat depending on the level. Been using the telescopic of both these on certain levels and having great success with them.
Scout: Russian 1895 Sniper or M1903 Sniper. Love the Martini-Henry Infantry but only use it from time to time.
It took me 6 months to really start enjoying bf1. I think its superb and evolved greatly.

The achievements, service assigments provide good incentive to try different weapons and classes out. At first it seemed daunting, the amount of weapons available, and all those shotguns lol but you get familiar with it - worthy range of kit your class up to your liking.

I find Rush mode disapointing but has never been the same since battledfield bad company 2. You got operations and frontlines which make up for Rush.

Anyway could go on... but after a year of playing bf1, it's better than ever and am loving it! My two pence worth for what its worth.
Whats the newest map pack like guys.

Been playing the standard maps mostly and have the first map pack which was ok, tempted to try the new pack, think its Russia?
All the map packs are good, although can be hard to get a game on the French ones (especially Operations). The Russian ones are worth it just for the Mosin! The new maps are good and the new guns are great fun.

If you enjoy the base game you’ll like all the DLC :).

Nice one, thank's.
Played this for the first time yesterday since almost a year ago and I have to say that it is fantastic. I went straight into Operations on unknown maps and got destroyed initially but found my bearings and started doing a lot better. Some of the new maps are so good. Then later I moved on to 64 player Conquest and had a blast there too.
Played this for the first time yesterday since almost a year ago and I have to say that it is fantastic. I went straight into Operations on unknown maps and got destroyed initially but found my bearings and started doing a lot better. Some of the new maps are so good. Then later I moved on to 64 player Conquest and had a blast there too.

I was playing mainly support class, recently moved to medic class and its a lot more fun.

As much as I have enjoyed BF1, I do hope the next BF is not WW2, I think its better to mix them up a bit so hopefully the next is set in a more modern era and then maybe the next BF go back to WW2.
I played medic almost exclusively at first but yesterday I went assault to try to get to level 10 to unlock the Helriegel (which everyone says is awesome). I unlocked it but I'd had enough by then so I didn't get to try it out. I think I'll give it a bash tonight - assuming I can tear myself away from Mario Kart :)

By the way on my way to level 10 Assault I unlocked something I hadn't noticed before (perhaps a DLC weapon?) the Ribeyrolles. Was uncertain at first but yeah really nice weapon.

I enjoy the WW1 setting. WW2 would be OK by me. I'd love a full blown Vietnam but I doubt it'll happen.
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after about 9-10 months of not playing at all, i hopped back in this with all the new maps / updates etc and have to say that i'm loving it. Even found myself joining a clan/community and so playing a lot more with comms which makes a great difference.
I've just brought it from the Xbox store £13.75 for the whole package great value!
I went for it in the end too. Not really had a proper look but I guess quick match doesn't work :) just throws me in a server with like 2 players each time.

I'll explore the server browser and use that instead
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