*** Battlefield 1 ***

I forsee this going the way of battlefront, low skill with epic graphics, just catering to the console pesants.

too casual to last long as no reward for getting "better". Gonna stick to my feelings from the beta and wont be buying.
It's a good game, it's extremely well optimised and looks fantastic it's butter smooth. The sound as expected is top notch. The maps seem good but not given them much time yet.

I still don't like the horses, the elites don't bother me as haven't seen them that often although they're just another daft inclusion. I really don't like the behemoths but an organised group will take them out quick enough. Had one yesterday where we were losing badly, in came the train and the opposition did nothing to destroy it so we went on and won.

Sniper rifles are still too accurate, very little bullet drop at range means you can rack kills up. I'd be just about ok with this if there was a sniper limit of say 2 per team but having quarter of your team stuck on a hill is too much.

The bullet spread is just a bizarre option. It's not needed and was never requested but with time it will be easy enough to adjust. It's now just a case of keep your finger on the trigger and control the recoil. It seems it's a case of the longer you have it pressed the more accurate you become.

It's hard to judge how the servers will cope, there will be a very limited amount of people on right now but if it stays like this then it's a very smooth release.
Ugh, annoying to hear the sniper rifles are still as accurate as they are. In the Beta an 18th century rifle had a higher muzzle velocity than any BF4 sniper...
I played 2 maps of 64 player conquest mode last night, neither were part of the Alpha/Beta AFAIK.

The first was called FAO Fortress which featured boats/dreadnought which had some sort of fortress with inner and outer capture points, didn't really think much of that map though.

Think the second was St Quentin Scar which was much better. I collected some sort of 'Tank killer' pickup which gave me a bolt action rifle that could only be fired when prone. But it was so ridiculously powerful. Literally point and shoot, didn't need to try for headshots or anything. I don't usually snipe but I was running from point to point and got lots of kills with it.

Ironically didn't kill any tanks with it....

Still have that feeling that I always have with large-scale multiplayer games. Even when I'm high up on the leader board, I don't feel I'm massively affecting the battle.

That's why I'll probably just stick with 6 vs 6 Overwatch
So playing BF1 I've got the yellow latency (?) warning flashing almost constantly and it also has the odd very rare slowdown/stutter which I've had maybe twice?

Had a look and my CPU is hitting 100% so I'm assuming it's that. Anyone else been playing with a 4670k? Not sure if the 4770k is really worth the upgrade over what I've already got.

Edit: Am thoroughly enjoying it though, played about 3hrs so far :)

Edit II: Ouch the 4770k is extortionate now! Definitely not spending £300 on the slight benefit it would offer. Time to start evaluating MB/Processer combos :( Or alternatively would an OC help out with the CPU bottleneck?
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I have got origin access and ultimate edition purchased .
Question is how to get it downloaded today and play allowed 10 hours ?
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