*** Battlefield 1 ***

All the people that have come from cod to this game are ruining it for me,every team I seem to get in everyone is all running around by themselves all over the place like headless chickens not even caring if they die 100 times,its doing my nut in!

That isn't the CoD followers, its how the BF series has been devolved.

The game is to blame, not the playerbase.
its the players lol the game is good,ive had one game so far where my whole team were all playing together,it felt amazing! and as good as battlefield 4 or any other battlefield,its not the game as conquest is still conquest etc,seems its just pot luck if you get in a team that actually play properly though
ah nice mines all installed and ready for my key from cdkeys :D

Not that it would have matters too much since i get around 37 mb/s download :)
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Quite tempted to use 150% resolution scaling which is basically 4k UW on my setup, though it drops the frames from a solid 100fps which it stays at 99% down to 60/65fps, I can feel the difference between 60 and 100fps never thought I'd say that.
Had some really good games this morning,MILES better than last night,think I might only play this through the day as seems like a better player base is on,im still **** though lol but been having much more fun this morning :)
In game I try to find other players on my side and try to stay with them, even without coms you can help each other, because you can see someone being shot at and can react, instead of walking straight into fire
Can't help when I'm playing this as much as I enjoy it I wish it was WW2, hate the uniforms and can't relate to 50% of the guns. We hammered WW2 at school visiting loads of interesting places along with programs like BOB I just enjoy it more.
Some weird sound bugs in the game, you can be in the middle of nowhere and hear sounds like someone was knifed right beside you.. Bloody freaky when it happens :eek:
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