*** Battlefield 1 ***

I know I like this game when I'm actively trying to find excuses to avoid going out for a full cooked meal with the in laws so I can play.

I want to play.
Great games tonight, have to admit so much fun.

Great playing with the boyz again, normal service is resumed, OCUK squad too stronk ;) :) you missing out Nexus.


Great games once the servers came back up, epic fun and good bantz.

GG Nexus ;)

Hardline and battlefront deja vu all over again :D :p ;)

Will soon be nexus snips mate lol.

Yeah, he'll start feeling left out and will cave in...always the way!

Won't be this week though, probably next Saturday is when I'll get it or more likely the week after.
The mechanics were fine last night.

Spend more time hip firing than using ADS. Get more success too.

'No skill needed.' Still fun tho


You were saying :D :p

Watching all the youtubers playing bf 1 doesn't do anything for me, hip firing rather than ADS'ing, sniping and doing 180 no scopes, watching them play as elites or in behemoths and going on easy kill steaks just doesn't do it for me :( Where as with bf 3 and 4, when I watch those gameplay videos, I get true "battlefeels" that makes me want to play the game, they certainly weren't perfect and have plenty of gameplay balance issues too (more so bf 3) but they got the basics more or less spot on imo.

And then listening to sidey last night about the aircraft and aa just ****es me off, typical DICE move, they have been through the aa to aircraft balance how many times now yet somehow, they seem to end up back to square 1 :confused: :o
Ballroom blitz map and horses is fun as ****..

Not much bothers me in the game just that gay ****ing dead body spawning is driving me nuts lol
Really a good game this...now I have worked out how to join a squad!! Also run great on ultra....after a few patches\driver updates it will be perfect...

What FOV do people use for 16:9 on 1440P?
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