*** Battlefield 1 ***

Loving this. Only played Operations and it's rather fun so far.

Have some issues though. Sniping at rather medium range to easy targets barely moving and they just seem to absorb the shot and I get no reg. It's like I'm hitting something before them. But I can hit targets further away or no snipe someone closer? Weird.

Also when you get received, need to switch weapon as I can't ADS otherwise.
Loving this. Only played Operations and it's rather fun so far.

Have some issues though. Sniping at rather medium range to easy targets barely moving and they just seem to absorb the shot and I get no reg. It's like I'm hitting something before them. But I can hit targets further away or no snipe someone closer? Weird.

Also when you get received, need to switch weapon as I can't ADS otherwise.

assuming you mean 'revived' :P its a bug, was in bf4 too.. except in bf4 i had it where when i was revived my gun would shake like crazy until i switch weapons
My setup is pretty much identical, 8320e @ 4gb & 290. Finding medium settings to be the sweet spot for consistent good frames but I did buy an extra 8GB of RAM to 16GB after a couple of days and have found it helps.

Medium still looks good though!

Cheers pal, time to find a cheaper key, I'll be buggerd if I'm paying £50 for a game
Haven't been able to play much. But what I have played, graphics are great, and the game is really good.

Bugs galore tho. I had one where I was revived and my soldier just kept reloading his weapon, endlessly. I couldn't do anything else until I got shot.

Weapons are very inaccurate as well. ;)
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What sort of CPU usage are people getting on the 64 player maps on DX11? It's taking my CPU up to the uncomfortable 80-100% region and I've seen GPU utilisation down to as low as 77%. Might be an excuse to finally upgrade this 5 and half year old cpu....
DX11 yes, works perfectly for me. 3440x1440 100hz maxed out and running 100 frames solid. Even then, around 60-70% average on each gpu. Most I've seen is around 85% so really well optimised game and plenty of gpu grunt left.

Nice. I'm at 3440x1440 60Hz and a single 1080 and, with VSync on, it's locked at 60fps and about 75-80% utilisation.
What sort of CPU usage are people getting on the 64 player maps on DX11? It's taking my CPU up to the uncomfortable 80-100% region and I've seen GPU utilisation down to as low as 77%. Might be an excuse to finally upgrade this 5 and half year old cpu....
A CPU being used 100% is not an inherently bad thing, particularly if its a balanced load.

Is it causing you performance issues? :/
A CPU being used 100% is not an inherently bad thing, particularly if its a balanced load.

Is it causing you performance issues? :/

I've seen fps as low as in the 60s on DX11 at 1440p/Max so I think I'm doing ok, but when I see my GPU being underutilised I just know my cpu is waning under the pressure :)
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