*** Battlefield 1 ***

Can't seem to keep connected/online with this today. I get ingame all going well then I'm back at the server screen.

my bro kept getting kicked out of server as well,its strange as its not happened to me once..seems only a few people have the problem
Be nice to play with some of you on pc im almostgfx on it if anyone wants to add me up!

Also trying to get the scout medal and i need to destroy 3 vehicles with k bullets but finding it really difficult! anyone got any tips?

sent friend thingy
God damn, I thought the leveling of classes was already slow enough. This is just painful and a clear attempt to try and push microtransactions even further(BF games were already one of the worst offenders in the whole AAA industry).
Patch notes are here
Also squad leader mutiny is comming back /happy dance
They need to fix the quit button disappearing at round end screen - stays until around 32s left then disappears normally. If you want to leave the game you have to either not see how you did or wait for the next game to kickoff and then quit.

Added myself to the list :)
The one thing I like about BF, I'm not the greatest FPS player but I can be sneaky and sometimes can finish top 3 even with next to no kills because of the objectives, revives etc I really like that. I like the slightly slower pace in this game to be honest.
Yeah i think operations are some of the most fun ive EVER had online i was never really sure about bf4 (even though i put 200+ hours into it) i enjoyed 3 and bc2 but this is the best one imo since battlefield 2.

Ive put 41 hours into this already since Thursday haha.
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