*** Battlefield 1 ***

Yes it does. Never used it before TBH. Used teamspeak a bit for BF4 but dont play online much so I will have to figure it out although to be fair it seems simple enough :)
Yeah Discord is much better than TS imo - it still needs some tweaks that the devs are working on but the UI and general look & feel is much more user friendly.

You don't need to be a chatterbox or even talk, we have some mute members who just like to listen.
Yeah Discord is much better than TS imo - it still needs some tweaks that the devs are working on but the UI and general look & feel is much more user friendly.

You don't need to be a chatterbox or even talk, we have some mute members who just like to listen.

Sounds good to me. I think the whole reason I dont really bother with MP is Ive not found a decent group of people to play with. Still have really fond memories of Gears 1 on Xbox when that came out and the 8 people we used to play with night in,night out. Good times

Going to have a few jump in games now and figure out what class I want to play
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Start with medic, it's probably the easiest class to lvl up, just keep close to squad and keep lobbing med packs and reviving. Try and get the m1916 marksman rifle unlocked and use that asap with the 2.50 magnification scope. It's really my fav weapon so far.
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Out of interest, is there any documentation around on this option? I've left it default which I think is enabled...

Nope, just disabled it under the graphics options. Those who have been using it have reported stuttering.

Everyone use this?

What do you mean? It's built into the game...I'm just suggesting it's cumbersome.
Start with medic, it's probably the easiest class to lvl up, just keep close to squad and keep lobbing med packs and reviving. Try and get the m1916 marksman rifle unlocked and use that asap with the 2.50 magnification scope. It's really my fav weapon so far.

Good tips Tony,cheers. Got 10 revives in a game and I'm nearly at level 3 already. Only played for 35 minutes!

Whats the craic with the battlepacks? Do you have to do anything in particular to unlock them?
Good tips Tony,cheers. Got 10 revives in a game and I'm nearly at level 3 already. Only played for 35 minutes!

Whats the craic with the battlepacks? Do you have to do anything in particular to unlock them?

no worries. The beauty about that gun is the 25 bullets, gives you great killing potential and the accuracy is really good. Mess around with the magnification amount, x4.0 was way to much for me, most of my engagements I tend to aim for medium range so the x2.5 scope works lovely for me. Wait a little before you fire off each round so your gun regains it's accuracy as well, try not to get excited and you'll kill loads at medium range.
I get stuttering when zooming in and out on spawn map screen,anyone know a fix? enabling vsync fixes it but the input lag is insane.
I went from 3 to 5 kills per round to 20 to 30 kills per round by turning vsync off:eek:
I've just started playing this having bought it on release. I've started on the SP mode with the intention of jumping into the multiplayer soon, but I'm not at all impressed with the single player. Anybody who has seen Totalbiscuit's WTF video for BF1 will basically know the problems with the campaign. They had the opportunity to do something respectful and moving, but instead they went for the typical bombastic, OTT rubbish that we've been getting from CoD and BF for years. I think it's actually pretty disrespectful to the memory of the people who fought in WWI. There were so many new weapons and tactics introduced during the war, it was a perfect opportunity to do a sobering look into the horrors of the war, particularly seeing as most people are probably much less familiar with WWI than they are with WWII.

Imagine being part of the battle where gas was first used, or seeing tanks and planes for the first time, or seeing the slaughter of the Somme and Verdun. They could also have made the menus and loading screens a bit more fitting for the period by using old war photos and poems from dissenters and supporters alike. It all seems like a massive missed opportunity to educate people on WWI. Having said that, I'm sure the MP will make up for the SP, I tried the beta and my purchase decision was based on how much fun I had playing that, so it's not the end of the world I guess.
I've cracked and bought it, wasn't too impressed with the beta but from the youtube videos I've seen and this thread it sounds worth a punt at £37

[edit] Throwing out some requests - Origin name VegyBS
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Great game... When it works. Sadly I keep getting DirectX errors which are causing the game to crash. Looking on the BF1 forums there's a big thread about GTX 600 and GTX 700 series cards having issues with this game. No word on a fix yet.

Been thinking about an upgrade anyway so might take the plunge.
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