*** Battlefield 1 ***

To expand, at this time DX12 offers no benefit over DX11. No visual difference and worse performance and I doubt this patch will have changed that.

Maybe in time, with more patches and driver updates DX12 will be the way to go, but for now stick to DX11.
Some more


"1. Melee Pieces are gone from Battlepacks replaced by Squad Bonus XP (Still obtainable from the 450 and 900 scrap chests)
2. You can now customize loadouts from the menu
3. Suez now has 5 Caps http://i.imgur.com/DGAxi7H.png
4. Hardcore added.
5. Rent a Server added (Not fully in yet it seems)
6. Reports of much better performance for PC users.
7. Reports that Firing Delay from throwing Grenade/Ammo/Health is gone. (Yay!)
8. Squad Leader Replacement Is In!!!! (Seems to be a 1min timer from order requested to leader change)
9. Medals still bugged for some.
10. Someone seems to be documenting the weapon changes here is a WIP link:
11. Lots of new Icons
12. Reports of Mortar Nerfs
13. 1895 ROF Infantry and Sniper Nerf
14. BF1 requires newest drivers to launch for PC
15. Revive bug is still present of not being able to use primary gun"
Ok so updated, changed the gfx settings as it goes back to default. Enabled DX12 and now when I try to load game it stops responding?!

Edit: I see I am not alone!
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