*** Battlefield 1 ***

So looking over the notes, I see no 10-A nerf which was needed. The 1895 ROF nerf is a bit odd as is the cavalry buff. Would like to have seen Gas grenades down to 1 each too.

They are my only complaints really.
surely people cant moan at them fixes that is a lot of stuff.

To be fair some things needed nerfing.

God forbid they actually release a game that's tested and complete.

Gone are the days we get a game released and there's maybe a patch at somepoint, rather than added content and bugs they didn't have time for and nerfing weapons because they didn't test properly or the stellar "community" (read: whiny kids) complain that a gun they don't use is OP or maps they somehow didn't realise were so ****.

I mean, it doesn't matter that we've paid quite a premium to purchase the game (most of us). We can just deal with it and they'll get around to sorting out the bugs and finish the game at some point. At least a lot of Steam games have a lower cost "Early Access" version...

It'll continue though, they'll keep making changes until it doesn't matter which gun you use (more so than in it's current state) and it works as intended.

The BF series isn't alone here, this is just the norm now for AAA cash cows.

I'm getting old and bitter.

I'm still going to play the hell out of it though because **** you all :p.
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Decreased damage of AA cannons against planes and plane parts.
hmm as if the bombers weren't strong enough as it was.

Reduced the damage a Cavalry soldier takes from headshots.
as above. should have nerfed their hp's.

Decreased damage of AA cannons against planes and plane parts.
hmm as if the bombers weren't strong enough as it was.

Reduced the damage a Cavalry soldier takes from headshots.
as above. should have nerfed their hp's.



The AA nerf I kind of get as attack planes and fighters went down too easily really, but the bomber should've had a hp nerf to suit :(

Little sad they didn't nerf tanks a little bit, infuriates me when I get a track disable and then it just instantly repairs and starts driving off :(
Decreased damage of AA cannons against planes and plane parts.
hmm as if the bombers weren't strong enough as it was.

Reduced the damage a Cavalry soldier takes from headshots.
as above. should have nerfed their hp's.


Seems odd. Would have preferred they nerfed the AA cannons by reducing their firing speed or something, or forcing them to fire in bursts, or adding overheating. Just reducing the damage seems a bit simplistic.

Also....less damage from headshots? Mounted players always seem incredibly difficult to kill anyway, was there any need to give them better survivability? Especially in regards to headshots, I would have hoped that being able to land a headshot on a moving cavalryman should be rewarded with an instant kill.
Thats the problem with the aa, its incredibly strong against fighters and the attack plane, but takes an eternity to down a bomber. Personally i think they should have bumped health of the other 2 planes up a bit and decreased the bombers some.
Seems odd. Would have preferred they nerfed the AA cannons by reducing their firing speed or something, or forcing them to fire in bursts, or adding overheating. Just reducing the damage seems a bit simplistic.

Also....less damage from headshots? Mounted players always seem incredibly difficult to kill anyway, was there any need to give them better survivability? Especially in regards to headshots, I would have hoped that being able to land a headshot on a moving cavalryman should be rewarded with an instant kill.

agreed. cavalry are harder to put down but maybe their headshot multiplier was too high? not sure as i usually panic spray when they charge at me :D

also im sure i read that they reduced the range and did a few other things to the AA, not just reduced damage
Just been "vacuum killed" by a Calvary guy on a horse, horse was stationary in front of me, next thing i know i'm flying towards it and being killed :confused:
Anyone else getting "Battlefield 1 has stopped working" when trying to launch it?

Updated the game, and got the Nvidia driver update.

Never did this before the update?
Go documents/bf1/settings/PROSAVE_profile open it up with Notepad++

Look for>GstRender.Dx12Enabled 0 make sure its disabled, if enabled change the 1 to a 0 and save.

Restart PC, should work now.
To expand, at this time DX12 offers no benefit over DX11. No visual difference and worse performance and I doubt this patch will have changed that.

Maybe in time, with more patches and driver updates DX12 will be the way to go, but for now stick to DX11.

Some good changes there, and a few that don't make that much sense.

Thats the problem with the aa, its incredibly strong against fighters and the attack plane, but takes an eternity to down a bomber. Personally i think they should have bumped health of the other 2 planes up a bit and decreased the bombers some.

What they should have done was remove the proximity blast effect so only direct hits counted. Given the low velocity of the AA gun it would be quite difficult to hit small, fast manoeuvring, planes at long ranges, whilst still making the gun useful for point defence and taking down lumbering bombers.
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