*** Battlefield 1 ***

Its coming, along with several other normal things. Just a question of being patient while we wait

Are you seriously trying to defend it? It's embarrassing. As enjoyable a game as BF1 is the dedicated server situation is a shambles.


You can only add up to 6 maps in a rotation. There should not be a limit (or at least one so high it would allow every map from every DLC to be played on it at least once).
There is no ban list. You cannot ban players from your server, whether you're in the game or not. This is by far the most important feature of rent-a-server as means of removing the toxic players that constantly sabotage a team by driving vehicles right to the enemy spawn, battle taxi, or just outright destroy team vehicles. The people that stand in front of field guns and AAs because someone else got there first, that type of stuff.
There is no in-game server menu. You cannot choose the next map, kick players, or balance teams in-game (or out, for that matter).
You cannot disable "skill-based" autobalance.
You cannot see a list of players in your own server unless you are in the game.
Any edits made to the server as all such as reducing respawn times or increasing ticket count will label the server with a big "CUSTOM" sign. I could understand this for something so big as changing bullet damage, but respawn times are a bit excessive.
In addition to that, you can only choose set values for these at 50%, 100%, and 200%. You cannot write in 500%, 0%, 750%, etc.
There is no way to remove a specific weapon, only the type of weapon, and gadgets cannot be removed. This is necessary in case of any mishaps such as the previous M26 dart glitch in BF3, or the USAS-12 frag rounds being blatantly overpowered around the launch of BF3.
"Land Vehicles" and "Air Vehicles" are the only options for removing vehicles. YOU CANNOT REMOVE THE BEHEMOTH OR CHANGE THE BEHEMOTH SPAWN RULES OR ANYTHING OF THAT SORT. In addition, you cannot disable a specific vehicle.
You cannot reserve slots for yourself, admins, or VIPs.
Not to mention you cannot set anyone as an admin.
Not to mention you have no admin privileges even though you rented the server.
I realise that you are a fan but these are functions that should have been in the game on release. To delay them then release a half ***** version is really sticking two fingers up at the PC community.

I agree, they should have been, but they werent. Now at this point I can either kick up a stink and scream and shout (frankly its just a computer game and not important enough in my life for me to do that when there are so many more important things for me to scream and shout about) , or I can just sit and say well it wasnt, so I will just get on with the playing and having fun and when it comes, it comes.
Since the patch and driver update my card boost to only 2000mhz now, use to be 2088mhz but getting higher fps?
is anyone on the new drivers from NVidia? does the game run any better and is it worth updating? I'm getting an average of 70fps on most maps but do suffer the rare odd big drop, if theres not much difference then I will stick with the driver I'm on
Good games tonight even though the sprint was short. The game you all dropped out off didn't end badly...we won with a decent margin! It was 6 vs 4 though :p
Dunno about anyone else but since the patch i'm seeing a lot more one sided games. The changes made to Suez don't same to have changed things much on that map either.
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