*** Battlefield 1 ***

Excellent, been waiting for the rented servers to come in, will grab one of those right away

Why? If the server is full how will you get friends on it without the kick / ban feature? Same if someone is being an arse you'll just have to put up with it and that person will know you can do nothing.
Why? If the server is full how will you get friends on it without the kick / ban feature? Same if someone is being an arse you'll just have to put up with it and that person will know you can do nothing.

Because I can turn off the elite classes and change weapons, respawn times and a dozen other things. Its highly unlikely that it will get full at this point if I dont make it known and it gives me and friends a place to practice and muck about, Im sure it wont be long before the kick/ban feature is released too.
Have they done something to the graphics I'm sure everything looks sharper like I've up the scaling (still 100%). Wonder why they've killed of DX12, I'm getting less frames in DX11.

I thought so about the graphics as well, things do look sharper for some reason. Not sure why but i noticed it straight away.
I thought so about the graphics as well, things do look sharper for some reason. Not sure why but i noticed it straight away.

Yeah me too, I even went into settings to see if my res scaling had been moved by the patch. They added a shine/glitter thingy to shiney objects as well. The game is looking really nice.
The RSP program is rubbish...why even release it in its current state. No capacity left in Europe, minimal customisation, only 6 maps on rotation, no kick/ban functionality, no whitelisting so you can't join your own server if full...I mean I know why EA wanted to bring it in house for all the revenues but frankly its embarrassing releasing it in its current state...also beta for server rentals? That's a new one lol!

I wish they left the PC market to third parties.
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Is anyone else having problems with origin since the update? I have just had the 2gb update and when I went to play the game it said this game can not be played on this computer please enter key? so I closed origin and now origin wont start at all?
I just logged out after playing for a few hours and now cant log back in, seems that there is an issue at the moment. Probably the Remoaners and the Anti-Trump lobby teamed up and attacked the servers :)
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