*** Battlefield 1 ***

in tanks its easy. most games see people with similar scores.

as for for jack frogs being right no he isnt.also he was with friends stacked against retards.all on voice coms.

next time hes on or those he plays with go play against them and if you winning see what happens ;). rage quit.

as i said before argonne forest is just choke point after choke point so close radius then people cry cause you get shotgunned.what you expect its a shotgun :confused:

germans wanted it banned in ww1 because it was like that.you hit someone with shotgun same as argonne avg distance they should be do as they do and go flying.

thing is did jack do the video on a open map ? nope. i wonder why ? :p

cause it would have been dead dead dead to snipers.

I can taste the Jack and Frankie jealousy tears from here. Lets be honest as a player he'd murder you.
I really do doubt you've ever made him rage quit. Or ever could.
He also makes some valid point in the video some I agree with, some I don't.

He's such a dreamboat :D
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There is NO visual difference between dx11 and 12.
It feels different because the performance is actually worse in dx12 mode.
This **** needs to be in the OP!

I can taste the Jack and Frankie jealousy tears from here. Lets be honest as a player he'd murder you.
I really do doubt you've ever made him rage quit. Or ever could.
He also makes some valid point in the video some I agree with, some I don't.

He's such a dreamboat :D

I didn't bother replying and just ignored it. Given Dg's usual choice of weapon and all. (15k+ kills with M320 in BF3 and 38k+ kills with the mortar in BF4)


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I know it's the truth, but I am a bit confused as to why he needs to quote me like I am making some wild statement. Maybe I am taking it the wrong way but to me he is coming across like I am some sort of wally. I have never said anything to contradict what he is saying.

I am well aware of how to check performance, the differences between dx11/12 (or lack of, just api) on bf1 etc lol.... on my machine, there is little difference in fps, and looking on benchies for the same res and gfx card, they are getting the same results. This is why I said that I can feel the difference but can't put my finger on it. It could be the new patch, deleting my profile thing, or even be bloomin placebo :D

As an example.. http://imgur.com/uW4BMfr
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I can taste the Jack and Frankie jealousy tears from here. Lets be honest as a player he'd murder you.
I really do doubt you've ever made him rage quit. Or ever could.
He also makes some valid point in the video some I agree with, some I don't.

He's such a dreamboat :D

ahh not seen your trolls since dayz but... already played him ;) quite a few times

get some off here. stack, you would ruin most.just cause a youtubers popular doesnt mean they good just means he/they makes popular videos.

i actually admire or like good players.most youtubers arent.some very good players on here aswell.

only decent players i played with who are youtubers and i rate are probably rechyyy and a couple of others . some of the big youtubers are in this thread lol so clueless.:D

funny thing is spills even knows i was in frankies videos LOL.also asked to be in some but declined so someone pretended to be me in one of his biggest LOL.its the one where jack frags destroys frankies base.some footage im in but at end i die as base blows up but it was someone off here ;D

VR i mess about in bf as its not really a comp game its just a bit of fun.skill tube was fun in bf3 mortars in bf4 this is just whatever is fun at the time.hardly a skilled game.if hes reading now im up for some bf1 though if he wants to bring shotgun.
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I totally agree with everything said above. :confused:

Especially the fact there are some great players on here. I've played with a lot of them, including yourself and I'd defiantly put you in the special player bracket.

I know it's the truth, but I am a bit confused as to why he needs to quote me like I am making some wild statement. Maybe I am taking it the wrong way but to me he is coming across like I am some sort of wally. I have never said anything to contradict what he is saying

I generally do quote people as possible posts can appear in between the post I'm replying to as I'm typing it. Just looks a bit odd having a post or 2 then a random response looking like it's replying to nobody in particular :)
Dg good? No.. hes good at dirt rally and that's it :)

He's a good egg really and pretty harmless. Just tries a tad little to hard.
Seems a bit to anti Jack and Frankie for some unknown reason? I doubt they even know who the kid is, or care for that matter.

For some reason if they ever get mentioned he's goes nuts.
this game acts really strange for me lol just had a 2hr session and for the first 20mins my frames were TERRIBLE! I was averaging around 35fps and it dropped down to 25fps! after 20mins my frames shot back up to around 70fps average and lowest drop to high 50fps range, does anyone know why this may be? it has only started doing this after the last update/patch, do you think its server related?

just find it very very strange that I can play one day and have great frames all day then go on another day and frames start out terrible! I don't change anything, still join 64 player rooms etc.

very weird lol
That spawning with no vehicle glitch is really irritating. It seems to be if the ground directly underneath where it spawns has been deformed by an explosion you spawn as the character class with no vehicle. Happened to me twice in a row trying to spawn in the artillery truck on St Quentin scar on the F flag. :mad: Same with the A flag on the same map, if that area of ground is deformed in the trench area where the vehicles spawn chances are you spawn as the class looking like a spare one.
Am I missing a trick with the artillery truck, was completely laying into with a load of other guys but we just couldn't get it down, I'm sure I even saw it blow up, I know I got a kill. But it litterally went from being a wreck to a brand new truck and just drove away.
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