*** Battlefield 1 ***

50 hours and officially bored. The COD BS elements really annoy me as well. I really hate power up style gameplay. Thankfully Battlefield avoided it for the most part but now I can not stand it.

Automatico M1918 you just hold down the trigger and watch the bodies hit the floor. What happened to recoil control that BF was famous for...
I have a 6600k i5, 1060 6gb and 16gb ddr4 ram and I still get that icon. Only playing at 1080p aswell. As people have said, it's just a generic warning that seems abit broken.

newer i5 should be better than sandy ivy but the actual requirements seem to be bang on.

min speci s a i5 cpu. seen nothing but people with i5s say the same across the internet with fps drops.

thing is people who play games either notice it or dont benchmark it or dont.

also some people have old monitors 60 hz not a newer one on higher hz where its even more noticable.

you really need a modern i7 for the best all round performance and bf1 and it is the recommended cpu in the requirements.

im looking forward to some changes from the game in patches.some of the stuff is infuriating even though the game can be great.so just had a break playing until some patches come in.
I have a 3570k and on Ultra at 1080p I do notice FPS drops (from 60) occasionally, it's usually running at 100% usage while my 1080 is plodding away nicely at about 50-60% usage.
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Don't normally have a problem mid-range with it, take a knee and burst fire, plenty of recoil still though. Taken out many medics mid range due to its ROF. It's definitely not as easy as just hold your finger on the mouse unless you go for the trench version and run indoors up to 10 meters from the hip, but then you might as well go shotgun as potential time to kill is lower, the M1918 offers a lot more range though just incase over a shotgun.
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Well I had fun last night, managed to increase my highest killstreak by 1 and we won all of the rounds except the one where the team was all-capped when we joined, and even that one we completely turned around, but just not in time.
First round was the best though, completely monstered it :D

Will be on again tonight if anyone is about.
Talking about the next battlefield I'm guessing October next year again but will it be WW2 which this one should have been, everything thing is pretty much here to make the next one as WW2 if they went 2143 they would have a lot of work.
I think some of us are suffering Battlefield overload possibly? In the last 6 years we've had Bad company 2, the Vietnam expansion, BF3 and all its map packs, BF4 and all its map packs, Hardline (less said the better).
Well I had fun last night, managed to increase my highest killstreak by 1 and we won all of the rounds except the one where the team was all-capped when we joined, and even that one we completely turned around, but just not in time.
First round was the best though, completely monstered it :D

Will be on again tonight if anyone is about.

Good games indeed, shame it went down hill though. I won't be on tonight as the Div 1.5 patch has been released :D
Talking about the next battlefield I'm guessing October next year again but will it be WW2 which this one should have been, everything thing is pretty much here to make the next one as WW2 if they went 2143 they would have a lot of work.

I very much doubt the next BF is coming next year, the DLC release schedule for BF1 will still be ongoing at that point.
I expect there will be PvZ GW3, and another game in the SW franchise next year to coincide with the second film in the series. Or God forbid BFHL2..
I just struggle with the WW1 thingy, can't relate to the war or the guns, WW2 is where it's at, all the films and lessons back at school and museums we visited. They were brave to take on WW1 that's for sure, I can't help but feel that if this was WW2 I'd be soaking it up like BF4 still. Instead if they do WW2 next it'll defiantly be a re-skin.
Hate the way each weapon has 3 different versions, I liked adding my own attachments to get the recoil setup I liked.
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a, BF4 I'm still unlocking stuff after 400 hours.

Yeah but most of that is the same scopes\sights for different guns over and over again. If they had went with unlocking a set of scopes\sights and they could be applied to any weapon the amount of unlocks would drop drastically.
Might be a bit late, but I've just watched Jacks latest vid.

100% agree with him, especially the 10-A hunters range. Its what I've been saying in this thread for ages.

*Inb4 low, scrub, noob, git gud, lol jackfrags, #ronku etc.
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