*** Battlefield 1 ***

Just bought this in the holiday sale. Seems I'm somewhat behind the curve in multiplayer, I'm an easy target. What's the best place to start for a beginner? Operations or Quickmatch? If Operations, which one is the most beginner friendly? If Quickmatch, what game mode?

Also, what class is best for learning the maps and generally finding my feet with the game mechanics? Ultimately I'd like to specialise in scout / sniping as it's what I usually enjoy most in shooters, but until I learn the maps I probably won't make a good sniper.
Was in a server yesterday where the average player was much better than usual. Very intense game.

The game is great when you feel part of a team and you know even if your loosing you and the team are giving 100%.

Super intense moments it's hard describe.

Like turning a corner and facing two enemies. You gun one down and go to reload knowing your a goner as the other guy will get you, a split second before he pulls the trigger some of your boys turn up and shoot him before he shoots you.

As close to exhilarating as a computer game can get.
Before i spit my dummy out in disgust, did DICE really take away the ability to scroll through weapons and gadgets using the mouse wheel ?
no but its always been quicker to use keys anyway.people just get idle and scroll wheel it but it is more precise to just go 2 pistol than scroll through.
Had my first couple of rounds on this last night with Hazard and Waylander, quite enjoyed it, more than I thought.

Quite pleased with how well my PC ran it too, ultra settings on 1080p it ran smooth enough to me, the menus seemed a little laggy though.
no but its always been quicker to use keys anyway.people just get idle and scroll wheel it but it is more precise to just go 2 pistol than scroll through.

it is more precise to use a mouse than a controller but the option is still there in the control panel.

removing the gadget selection from mouse wheel is one of those own goals they will end up fixing in a patch......
The sentry is fun but insane, just got a 40+ kill streak with it.

I only grab the fire kit on Argonne because people bunch up or the tank hunter to one shot people.

The machine gun guy is rubbish for me really, i don't think i have had more than a six kill streak with it.
The heavy machine gun guys are good. The one with the twin guns is so OP its hilarious.

I now avoid even playing this game if there is no one else on that I have in friends list. Random servers and no good clan run rented servers (they can't as the options are still not available) mean joining a game where far to many players just seem incapable of playing it. Seriously its called conquest and you take flags. Whats so hard to grasp!
thats why you have a shotgun :D

just cleans up regardless.it is true though some people who play are beyond terrible.no one marks or very little.
Still getting the occasional crash in BF1 with the latest Nvidia drivers, usually when i'm just about to drop a perfect bombing run in the plane :rolleyes:

Its the whole DX11 not enough gpu memory you need atleast 2gb graphics card error.

Why has this risen its ugly head again? I used to get it ages ago on my old 290 but then it went away. Usually happens after playing for around a hour?
the medals system in this is so **** i don't understand why they didn't just leave well alone - bf4 was fine, now if i play as assault there's literally no medal i can go for, plus i came top for the 1st time ever today and i get nothing for it, not even my avatar on the end screen, the game is great but literally i couldn't care less about the random skins and the medal system might as well not even exist it's so ****. DICE could have done loads with character customization as well, beards slightly different uniforms etc but nothing but random skins from randomly dropped battlepacks. the whole thing is a complete mess
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