*** Battlefield 1 ***

Still getting the occasional crash in BF1 with the latest Nvidia drivers, usually when i'm just about to drop a perfect bombing run in the plane :rolleyes:

Its the whole DX11 not enough gpu memory you need atleast 2gb graphics card error.

Why has this risen its ugly head again? I used to get it ages ago on my old 290 but then it went away. Usually happens after playing for around a hour?

What OS are you running?

I've seen this type of error before but not on Win 10.
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the medals system in this is so **** i don't understand why they didn't just leave well alone - bf4 was fine, now if i play as assault there's literally no medal i can go for, plus i came top for the 1st time ever today and i get nothing for it, not even my avatar on the end screen, the game is great but literally i couldn't care less about the random skins and the medal system might as well not even exist it's so ****. DICE could have done loads with character customization as well, beards slightly different uniforms etc but nothing but random skins from randomly dropped battlepacks. the whole thing is a complete mess

I actually don't mind not having to worry about medals and skins. Means I can just play the game.
But having said that, it is nce to change how i play in order to meet a medal requirement but again I don't put any pressure on myself and the team's needs comes first.
Being able to play normally with a class and just level it up suits me fine.

The phrase 'horses for courses' comes to mind. DICE can't please everyone.

Hope you're enjoying the game regardless :)
Some of the medals are damn near impossible unless you get really lucky, particularly the 'Destroy 3 vehicles with K Bullets'. I'm not i'll ever be able to get 10 kills with the Kolibri pistol in order to get that codex.
I haven't bothered with any medals so far, they seem to exist to encourage you to stop PTFOing and start trolling instead.

had a awesome one other night when you were on dont know if you seen.

me and guy toe to toe in desert nothing but sand.just side stepped his bullets pistol headshot " you lucky you did that " :p

then for like 20 minutes this guy never stopped lol.add in like playing xbox live and its gold :D

shotgun forest i play everyday now.its brilliant.worth buying the game just for that alone :p
had a awesome one other night when you were on dont know if you seen.

me and guy toe to toe in desert nothing but sand.just side stepped his bullets pistol headshot " you lucky you did that " :p

then for like 20 minutes this guy never stopped lol.add in like playing xbox live and its gold :D

shotgun forest i play everyday now.its brilliant.worth buying the game just for that alone :p

side stepping rapidly definitely seems to be a thing, I wonder how much of it is dodgy hitboxs lagging behind the player.

I started using the model 10 hunter last night on argon in anger, wow, I've never been a shotgun person, might have to try it in lockers on bf4 too.. :D
Had some pretty awful rounds last night :p It feels crap having so few weapons being the n00b that I currently am. Still great fun playing with you guys though.
I'm having 'issues' with BF1. Was playing it last night and over the game audio there was crackling, Happens with speakers and headphones. Any ideas?
Rig Spec: I7 4820k @ 4.5GHz, 16GB DDR3 Ram and 2 x R9 290 and using a Soundblaster Z sound card.
Stopped watching that as soon as he said no further details so wont waste my time watching the full 9 min.

I hope they sort out the DX12 bugs also as it would be nice to have the option of playing using it.

On another note, been playing BF1 since getting my freesyn monitor and what a difference it makes to the gameplay. Although it was playing well before, it is so smooth now that I am delaying the computer upgrade for a further 12 months unless DLC's change any of the performance.
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