*** Battlefield 1 ***

Despite my issues with DICE changing **** since the release. I really enjoyed BF1 and still do. I'll continue to play BF1 and BF4 but BF5 can suck it unless they do another BETA with quite a few changes to convince me.
Tend to agree with most of this, I'm still enjoying BF1 even for all of its issues.

After playing the BFV Beta I said I wouldn't be getting the game, but I'm sure as soon as I see a few regulars on here raving about it I'll cave in & pick it up :rolleyes:
Despite my issues with DICE changing **** since the release. I really enjoyed BF1 and still do. I'll continue to play BF1 and BF4 but BF5 can suck it unless they do another BETA with quite a few changes to convince me.

beta 2 starts on Nov 9th (in 16 days). Only open to origin access premier or basic members initially.
Must've joined 10 servers the past 2 nights, all of which only had ~50 tickets left for one side - really hope they included a ticket preview in BFV, I swear they used to have it in Battlelog for 3/4?
So satisfying to get a far away moving target sniper shot, haven't done that since MOHAA, somehow i just managed to do it, as if i remembered at that moment how to time it just right.
Just grabbed this as it was so cheap and enjoying it, however I am playing at 1440p, most things set to ultra but post processing at medium and although it plays smooth like 97% of the time I keep getting these random stutters, using the perfoverlay graph I can see at these points both the CPU and GPU usage go off the chart for a second. Anyone have any idea how to sort this or is it just inherent to a 64 player server etc?

Spec in sig and the CPU is OC'ed to 3.7.

bought this and titanfall2 when they came out about the same time, i played a lot of titanfall but not a lot of bf1, with the dlc been free now and getting my self a samsung evo 860 500 gig just for games the other day, thought i would give it another try and im enjoying it,

every thing maxed out but only at 1080p,

8 gig ddr4 2666mhz
rx480 8 gig reference

smooth as hell unless i enable dx 12 then i will get micro stutters like richeh has, dx 12 used to work good on this game and my rig but now dx12 even slows down the menus :(
Bit of a random question but does anyone ever play on amiens and the map is dense with smoke wafting around through it? Seems to happen every now and then i play that map and seeing any real distance is near impossible due to black smoke wafting around it, other times the map is pretty good for visibility.


Pic showing what i mean. It's not smoke from grenades or explosions, it just seems to hang around the map sometimes and when actually playing the map its very dense. Only seems to happen occasionally and obviously this doesn't fit into the weather effect category so not sure what the story is with it. It can even affect some internal building areas as well, corridors etc.
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Just grabbed this as it was so cheap and enjoying it, however I am playing at 1440p, most things set to ultra but post processing at medium and although it plays smooth like 97% of the time I keep getting these random stutters, using the perfoverlay graph I can see at these points both the CPU and GPU usage go off the chart for a second. Anyone have any idea how to sort this or is it just inherent to a 64 player server etc?

Spec in sig and the CPU is OC'ed to 3.7.


If you're running with DX12, turn it off.
Running DX11!

Try this from Reddit.

Here is my permanent solution/set it and forget it workaround for the creators memory issues (particularly with Frostbite games). Performance degrades significantly when free memory runs out. This is an automatic way of clearing the standby cache silently and 100% fixes all my stutter issues, especially in Frosbite games - and keeps it running smooth for indefinitely.

  1. Download EmptyStandbyList and put it somewhere where you won't move it https://wj32.org/wp/software/empty-standby-list/
  2. Right click > Properties and select Run as Admin under compatibility.
  3. Open Task Scheduler > Create Task on the far right
  4. General Tab (give it a name). Under security options > Change user or group > Advanced > Find Now > go down and choose SYSTEM (important to make it run silently in the background). Tick 'Run with highest privileges' and 'Hidden' at the bottom. Pictures here https://stackoverflow.com/questions...ndows-scheduled-task-to-run-in-the-background
  5. Triggers tab > New > On a schedule > One Time. Tick repeat task every 5 minutes (possibly excessive but it causes no issues).
  6. Actions tab > Start A program > Point to the EmptyStandbyList.exe file.
  7. Done! Standby memory is automatically cleared every 5mins and BF1 especially will run smooth for hours!
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