*** Battlefield 1 ***



13 Nov 2014
Now that the intial fun is over, my complaints:

- left mouse button thing with regards to getting more accurate the longer you hold it needs to go and bring back the tap fire/burst method and as a result, also remove the random deviation of bullets on the first 1-3 bullets fired.....
That's really worrying. Hopefully tester feedback will get it sorted.
4 Jun 2009
TBH, not really from what I have played so far..... Not 100% sure but I don't think planes have a best turning speed either.

As I was saying to haz last night as well, the repair system is quite different for vehicles now.

You get damaged, you just have to hold x to repair your tank now, when you are doing this, you can't do anything though. Sames goes for planes and they will get their full mobility back after this.

Once the tank is disabled, it has to be repaired in order to be able to move again, no recovering mobility after a few seconds like bf 4.

One thing for sure is tank players can definitely not be any where as aggressive as what we could be in bf 3 and 4, best to keep your distance and let the infy push the flags.

It is a fun game though.
30 Dec 2013
GPS signal not found. (11)
Considering you have borrowed someone's account he'd be ****ed of if you did as you are breaking the NDA and could potentially have his entire Origin account banned and removed from any further EA games alpha participation. Unless he or she doesn't care.

To be fair I have probably broken all the NDAs by lending my account to so many people. And you can scrub out the username on the screenshot.
4 Jun 2009
Lets see your battle reports where you go 40-0 in plane, tank etc. dg? :p :D

Tanks definitely do not need any more slowing down, infantry can already run as fast as the light tank lol.... and have you not seen the amount of people just running by the enemy tank hitting it with a hammer, they are that slow.

And they are already vulnerable enough, my first match, I took out 3 tanks by myself just using that grenade and anti tank rpg weapon.

The only problem with the tanks atm are that there is too many of them on that map.

Planes get shredded big time as well, don't forget anyone with any type of gun can do damage to the planes, not to mention, you can still shoot the planes with tanks in this game as well as the anti tank thing, done that 5 times now, instant kill :D
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Now that the intial fun is over, my complaints:

- left mouse button thing with regards to getting more accurate the longer you hold it needs to go and bring back the tap fire/burst method and as a result, also remove the random deviation of bullets on the first 1-3 bullets fired.....

I don't know why developers persist in doing stuff like this - sometimes it might sound like a good idea on paper but 2 seconds of actually playing shows how utterly stupid it is. There is actually a well written document on this somewhere by a very highly regarded game developer setting out how guns should be implemented with the minimum of penalties coming from random things the player can't control or silly mechanics and the maximum amount of skill required to control things like recoil.
4 Jun 2009
Yeah it was rather funny as today there were quiet a few people saying about the netcode/hit reg. being **** then they quickly realised it was actuaslly the deviation.....

Essentially it is like bf 3 suppression now except you aren't actually suppressed :/

Awesome info here, haha. Whats the destruction like? Big improvement over bf4?

Bc 2 style of destruction, a little bit toned back though but way more than bf 4 and 3.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Well yes I agree. I've been wanting them to do a WW2 BF game for a long time. Sherman vs Tiger tanks and Spitfires vs Mechasmits.

Hopefully it will be the next BF.

Yup, the WW2 BF was definitely my favourite one so far. Loved the big maps on it, loved the balance, even if the Tiger tanks were a little bit 'bouncey' and used to love ship to shore bombardments with the battleships
21 Jul 2008
I reckon they'll come out with a WW2 game after this one, will hopefully be a reboot of the WW2 genre from all the developers, haven't had many decent WW2 shooters for a while.

Either that or hopefully, someone comes out with a good WW2 mod for it.
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