Battlefield 2, patch 1.2

I find battlefield 2 a lot harder now on the new patch, especially as i am mainly a helicopter / jet pilot and now land missiles are very hard to dodge.
Ohh well i suppose thats what EA wanted.
If they gave more points for team work related tasks (ie healing, repair, ammo giving, resupply etc) than killing then teamwork would increase. The fact you get 2 points for a kill and one for a team task like healing, reviving etc makes the game too deathmatch like.

The game is meant to be played as squads under the command of the commander assaulting enemy positions with balanced classes in each squad. Not lone wolfs looking to rack up kills and inflate their K/D ratio.

3 points for tasks 4 *** W1n
hehehe i am often top of the scoreboard with half my points comming from heals/revives

and if they removed planes i would be happy, ground combat is awsome in this game, planes just ruin it
tbz_ck said:
The fact you get 2 points for a kill and one for a team task like healing, reviving etc makes the game too deathmatch like.

True if I wanted Death Match I would play CS or HL !
I've found that flying isn't actually as hard as I feared. I got up the courage to actually fly again a couple days ago and managed a 24-2, which is better than I was expecting. The improved AA missiles mean I don't need to fear enemy pilots as much.
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