Battlefield 2142 open beta coming this summer

11 Jul 2004
Speaking to, DICE said that "We are going to throw out an open beta in the beginning of August. The beta is predominantly to learn about large scale issues, i.e. when we have [tens of thousands] of people playing at the same time, eliminating some of the problems we have encountered after launch previously in the franchise. Keep your eyes open to join."


Good stuff. Just a heads up really so we don't miss out. :)
I was talking about this a while back on another forum, maybe now we might have a game worth a damn unlike betafield 2.
Gerard said:
I was talking about this a while back on another forum, maybe now we might have a game worth a damn unlike betafield 2.

Er, BF2 is bloody brilliant..regardless of any little issues. More than had my money's worth. 10/10 game if you ask me.
Tried&Tested said:
Er, BF2 is bloody brilliant..regardless of any little issues. More than had my money's worth. 10/10 game if you ask me.

In your opinion, for me id rather see a game that doesn't have farsical infantry battles with every tool diving prone all the time relying on the one lame tactic.
Tried&Tested said:
Er, BF2 is bloody brilliant..regardless of any little issues. More than had my money's worth. 10/10 game if you ask me.

i wouldnt quite go that far

they have released more than one buggy unproperly tested patch.

1.02 had to be withdrawn cos it made all the servers crash, and 1.2 had to have a 1.21 hot fix released

and 1.3 has created more CTDs and server crashes than 1.21 had.

And then to boot add in stuff like Fixing stuff that didnt need to be fixed (like planes and helis continuing on their path when the game ended) and not fixing stuff that did need fixing

like Rocket Hit Registry being off and the blue/red team bug.

and dont even get me started on "balancing" issues years after release, like the major alteration to support guns ( and the then subsequent reversal as they went too far) and the removal of unlocks from passworded (ie unranked) games.
Gerard said:
Already read a report at e3 that people noticed this bug in 2142 as well. :mad:

not suprising

the bug is entrenched deep in the BF2 code somewhere, and i bet that because theres no "trigger" for it, ie you cant repeat it at will, then they cant fix it.

The whole game and their subsequent patches were rushed and improperly tested

if the game hadnt been published by EA, i bet DICE could have had longer to finish the game and produced something infinitely better.
Funny thing about bf2 was it was delayed from the march release to a few months later, id've loved to have seen what state the game was in back at the original release date.
HMMMM am i the only one that cant wait for BF2142, i hope to get my hands on the beta,( by the way *** find) to find out all its little tricks and to see if it can beat Quake ET (another game im intrested in). On a side note ive never xprienced the blue/red bug the only thing i can think of is flying across some land and there as red distance marker embedded in the ground.
MrLOL said:
if the game hadnt been published by EA, i bet DICE could have had longer to finish the game and produced something infinitely better.

WTF. You clearly havent been playing games by other publishers lol.
does anyone now what the sevrevr numbers will be for 2142 ie 64 players or is it going to be like when they introduced bf2 and said the maps would change the more people that went on the server, would be cool if you could get 128 people on a server for this :)
steveo said:
does anyone now what the sevrevr numbers will be for 2142 ie 64 players or is it going to be like when they introduced bf2 and said the maps would change the more people that went on the server, would be cool if you could get 128 people on a server for this :)

Same as BF2, why?

Because it is basically the same game as BF2 with some new skins and vehicles.

I wont be buying it, not unless they fix BF2 to some kind of stable degree and publicly acknowledge their failings. It'd be nice for our servers to do a full map rotation for once.
Tried&Tested said:
Er, BF2 is bloody brilliant..regardless of any little issues. More than had my money's worth. 10/10 game if you ask me.

I certainly wouldnt call:

- Chronic server crashes, i dont think ive seen our 3 servers complete a whole map rotation without crashing (no, its not just our servers, it is a worldwide problem)
- Rampant CTD's (for people who never once had them in the past)
- Random projectile clipping bugs (ie AT missiles going through vehicles)
- Pish poor hit box coding, and generally bad netcode

'little issues'
For all the complaining that everyone does about BF2, the fact remains that it is still massively popular regardless of the bugs.
Ok, it has some issues, but overall it is still brilliant. It's frustrating that the patches require patching and they still haven't ironed out certain glitches (which probably won't every be sorted!), but it's still the game I play more than any other.
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