Battlefield 2142 open beta coming this summer

PC games are never 100% perfect. Especially online games, someone somewhere will always have problems. Many here seemed to have missed many old online games. Its not like quake wars is being made out of Id's and Activision's kind of heart as some are suggesting. BF series success has lead to many copycat games.

With BF2 at least they are the ball with things. Look at Activision's COD2 to see how bad things can go for online games, although it has improved since launch. WOW has many odd issues too that annoy different classes, players etc. Many console online games have pathetic support. BF2 ingame is the game that seems to have the least issues in actual gameplay. Very few idiots clogging the chat like in games like WOW or CS. In April the retention rate for regular online players was surprisingly high according to one of the e3 interviews.
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fdxd said:
PC games are never 100% perfect. Especially online games, someone somewhere will always have problems. Many here seemed to have missed many old online games. Its not like quake wars is being made out of Id's and Activision's kind of heart as some are suggesting. BF series success has lead to many copycat games.

With BF2 at least they are the ball with things. Look at Activision's COD2 to see how bad things can go for online games, although it has improved since launch. WOW has many odd issues too that annoy different classes, players etc. Many console online games have pathetic support. BF2 ingame is the game that seems to have the least issues in actual gameplay. Very few idiots clogging the chat like in games like WOW or CS. In April the retention rate for regular online players was surprisingly high according to one of the e3 interviews.

No ones asking for a 100% perfect game, a bug free piece of software, especially on the scale of BF2 is a myth, a falacy, it never has and never will happen. We know this, we'd just like to be able to play it without it randomly crashing or killing servers before they can finish a whole map rotation.
I am happy to put up with a few teething bugz but i need to feel like progress is being made and the community is being listened to.
I have been quite happy up until the 1.3 patch. Even now i am playing daily and still getting my hours in but this is not the point.
From my point of view it seems as if things are getting worse not better and this is not acceptable. Mistakes are made of course as they were before with the patch that got recalled but this 1.3 patch for most is a nightmare.
Considering the cost of servers i feel it is highly detromental to the BF2 franchise to have so many disconnections. These guys are paying a hell of a lot of money monthly to be kicked of there Own server every hour. How is a community supposed to build and grow when it is continually effected by disconnections. Every day now i have guys join my squad and we start getting to know each other and killing and laughing only to be ripped apart by a poxy disconnection bug. It's highly frustrating adn enouth to put anyone off the game. I like most enjoy meeting guys ingame and fighting alongside each other as mates which usually leads on to MSN xfire etc. These disconnections are totally ruining the community aspect of the game and friendly feel to the servers.

Bare in mind that i have around a Thousand hours logged so i am one of the lucky ones when it comes to BF2. What is bothering me is how it is effecting others not how it is effecting me. Also i love BF2 it is the best game i have ever played i want it to last. Releasing patches that cause worse problems than before is completely unnacceptable to me. Not communicating with the community directly is also Not acceptable to me. As i have said before they have all our stats and hours logged with associated email addys. How hard would it be to contact a hundred hard core players for Real feedback.

So as far as 2042 goes it is Not even on my radar as a future title and that is me BF2 malc saying that. EA need to do a few things before i even consider it as i feel i have trod my ground already and cannot be arsed to go over it all again with a new title.
If it was a new engine then maybe but BF2 vanilla does not run right for most so why would a reskinned rehashed 2042 BF2 work any better, it won't.
So if EA/Dice get BF2 vanilla running sweet then of course i would step over to a new title but not until then.
Beta testing 2042 is a ******* joke i have beta tested BF2 vanilla for the last 12 months ffs without even an email to say thanks. :p
Deliverance said:
No ones asking for a 100% perfect game, a bug free piece of software, especially on the scale of BF2 is a myth, a falacy, it never has and never will happen. We know this, we'd just like to be able to play it without it randomly crashing or killing servers before they can finish a whole map rotation.

That will be fixed. Problems sometimes happen and this is the only thing 1.3 did wrong. Overall i feel they are doing an excellent job. Bring on whatever game they make.

Also i love BF2 it is the best game i have ever played i want it to last. Releasing patches that cause worse problems than before is completely unnacceptable to me. Not communicating with the community directly is also Not acceptable to me. As i have said before they have all our stats and hours logged with associated email addys. How hard would it be to contact a hundred hard core players for Real feedback.

They do communicate with the players, perhaps better than any other developer. There have been xfire sessions, surveys, forum postage, chats etc.
fdxd said:
Problems sometimes happen and this is the only thing 1.3 did wrong.

Well I'd rather they fixed worthwhile problems without creating new ones instead of "fixing" some problems that no-one really cared about before, adding jeep drops and screwing up the rest with CTDs and unstable servers...

I can't think of one good thing 1.3 introduced that was really needed.
Yeah it is unfortuante that the server crashing thing has happened. Although it will get fixed.

In the future i hope DICE make a more flexible/working server browser. Thats my main issue with the game. I use qtracker instead which gives a ton more options etc.
i have no interest in buying 2142. it looks like something the community could have coded fo bf2 ie a MOD.

ill stick with BF2, even tho like others, since 1.3 CTD issues have plagued me.
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