Battlefield 2142 open beta coming this summer

Am totally with Deliverance on this.
We all know it's a revamped reskinned BF2. We also all know what we have had to put up with in the last year. I personally feel they need to sort the server crashes out and player CTD's before they even think of another title.
A strong patch needs releasing and major efforts are needed to win the support back of the community.
If they were to bring a patch out that sorted the above issues and throw in a Free infantry map as is rumoured then i would consider 2142.

I have been one of the lucky ones concerning BF2 as my hour log indicates but still i am aware that the community is suffering badly. People are leaving the game in droves and servers are already becoming empty.
The frustration of getting disconnected halfway through a brilliant battle is enouth to make anyone give up on the game.

I just don't understand why EA/Dice don't make some kind of contact with the community and sort the problems that most bother us.
Servers crashes, CTD's, No Unlocks for Clan wars these things need sorting and they need sorting NOW.
emailiscrap said:
For all the complaining that everyone does about BF2, the fact remains that it is still massively popular regardless of the bugs.
Ok, it has some issues, but overall it is still brilliant. It's frustrating that the patches require patching and they still haven't ironed out certain glitches (which probably won't every be sorted!), but it's still the game I play more than any other.

I completely agree, that is why its so frustrating. BF2 is, rather was probably the best FPS shooter ever made. This is why its so infuriating that EA/DICE release badly coded, and badly tested patches and seemingly couldnt give a monkeys about supporting BF2 any longer than is absolutely neccesary to get those playing it to move to 2142.

They know they do it, i suspect the testers report half these bugs and the coders even attempt to fix them. But they never do because the powers that be dont deam the time it takes to be finacially viable for them. Lets hope they realise that unless they fix it 2142 isnt going to be as big a hit as they seem to think (the same way they sold i think 130 odd thousand copies of AF, compared to 2.5 millions of BF2 and about 1.5 million of SF)
lol u ppl do make me chuckle .... i personally have had bf2 crash like twice since i bought the game

ok so i had to bind my joystick in the config files as the options setup is lame.... and claymores seriously need to be nerfed as they can kill a man from 15 foot away

but other than that the game is awesome and is currently the only fps i play
BF2 will never get fixed im sure, so theres little point in complaining. at the end of the day EA/dice are trying to make more money. after the cruddy times ive had with bf2 im not buying anymore games in the franchise again. if people start taking their cash elsewhere then it might bother EA/dice but until then you can moan until the sheep come in, theyre not going to stop anything whilst theyre making money. but people will still buy the games thinking things will be different and so it will continue :rolleyes:
Im with Malc and Deliverance on this. BF2 really should have moved the franchise forward. It is bug ridden to hell and I personally feel that the constant stat whoring kills the game. Consequnetly you see very little development in the modding community as a result of EA not allowing points or ranks to be earned on Mods. Not to mention the subsequent farce of only allowing multiplay be the sole provider of ranked servers at launch. Moreover the code is still substandard. Who wants to invest hours and hours modding when the back end code is garbage.

I am looking forward to ET Quake Wars a hell of a lot more than 2142
I can't even play BF2 without getting disconnected within 15 minutes of play. Without fail

Multiple reinstalls don't fix it, BF2 is the only game it happens with.
EA have been of no help, as usual.
I dont think i'll be buying 2142. Its time to move on, I cant be arsed to put in the hours like I have with BF2, which i might add, is an awesome game (i wouldnt have clocked up 650hrs if it was crappy) We all have such strong feelings towards BF2 because it `could` be so good, yet its plagued by problems still after a year.

2142 will probably be less troublesome for sure, as its essentially a mod for BF2, so it's already had a year of beta testing, but I cant be getting into another BF game when I know they will be milking the punter for every penny with more ranked servers, crappy expansions and naff future patches.

I'd much prefer to get on the ID bandwagon again with Quakewars, as ID know how to program and they are community orientated, they are gamers through and through, unlike Dice/EA who are money grabbing whores.
so is BF2142. Sort of Planetside updated?

With more than 64 people at it at once??

IE: 100s or a few 100s :) lol
I think most people are right with this one. I know EA are known for it, but the whole thing reminds me of Hollywood. Release a good film, make money, release a sequel that isn't as good, make money, release a sequel to the sequel that is even worse, make money...
Last Kronin said:
HMMMM am i the only one that cant wait for BF2142, i hope to get my hands on the beta,( by the way *** find) to find out all its little tricks and to see if it can beat Quake ET (another game im intrested in). On a side note ive never xprienced the blue/red bug the only thing i can think of is flying across some land and there as red distance marker embedded in the ground.
No, I cant wait either!!
Efour2 said:
so is BF2142. Sort of Planetside updated?

With more than 64 people at it at once??

IE: 100s or a few 100s :) lol

No, like i said above. Its Battlefield 2 with new weapons skins, sounds and vehicles. That really is all it is. I think they added one new game mode over the standard BF2 Conquest mode.

Same Game engine = same player numbers, same map sizes, same bugs.
While I might have a go on the beta, it just doesnt seem exciting... before I got BF2 I was psyched up so much for the huge maps etc and rightly so, I loved it for about 5 months then the CTD's started and the people whoring the jets etc etc.

As for 2142 it just doesnt looks exciting, all the same kinda maps because of the story etc. I'm all for a remake of 1942 tbh, or perhaps a BF that alternates through time for each map :o
malc30 said:
Am totally with Deliverance on this.

I have been one of the lucky ones concerning BF2 as my hour log indicates but still i am aware that the community is suffering badly. People are leaving the game in droves and servers are already becoming empty.
The frustration of getting disconnected halfway through a brilliant battle is enouth to make anyone give up on the game.

I just don't understand why EA/Dice don't make some kind of contact with the community and sort the problems that most bother us.
Servers crashes, CTD's, No Unlocks for Clan wars these things need sorting and they need sorting NOW.

Yup. Exactly what I've been thinking recently and I certainally will not be buying further into the franchise. I haven't bought Euroforce or Armoured Fury now let alone plan to purchase another reskinned revamp of software.

BF2 was the only reason I have a new machine.

1) Fix the stability
2) Fix the wide screen support
3) Let the fan base rediscover what has been lost.
4) Then introduce packs/reskins..

Question is - do they see the console the way forward and therefore don't feel the need to invest anymore?
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BF2 never used the crash on me, but since 1.3 ive had 3 random Crash To desktops

they've never happend again, and i wasnt doing anything specific

they were just random, which stinks of bad coding.

to stop BF2142 failing horribly, id halt development on it, and concentrate on getting BF2 bug free. Release a map pack of 3 or so maps, and maybe introduce some new weapons

new weapons and a new map or two combined with a bug free game would bring loads of players back

but for many it would be just too late...

DICE and EA really have stuffed up what could have been a good game.
Damn, well personally i think BF2 is crap so i cant see this "remake" being any better.
Roduga said:
I think most people are right with this one. I know EA are known for it, but the whole thing reminds me of Hollywood. Release a good film, make money, release a sequel that isn't as good, make money, release a sequel to the sequel that is even worse, make money...
i'm thinking holyrood.. folk spend lots of money on it and then the thing starts falling apart.
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