Anyone else having problems doing the Quick Connect on the Web page and constantly getting
Found no game matching your filter settings. Please try again or change your filter.
yet i have every map / player count / just bf3 no expansions ticked in the settings.
just cannot find me a game at all, been really enjoying it when i can get online
Anyone having a problem with Origin password recovery?
I haven't used Origin in years, so forgot my pass. When I request a password reset email, it takes 6+ hours to deliver, by which time the password reset link expires!
Super annoying
[edit] IGNORE, just worked now. The magic of OcUK?![]()
Why do lots of people dislike BF4 and prefer BF3?
Arent they the same game engine and the same gameplay, just new maps and singleplayer campaign?
Basically BF 3.5, the same as BF5 is probably going to be BF 4.5 etc
Because the game has been out for 8 months and its no better now than when it was first released. The beta was more accurate and they ruined the full release. I'm fed up of not being able to kill people and being shot behind cover, its a total joke and DICE clearly done care with EA not putting on enough pressure to fix it.
With the release of CTE (Community Test Environment) it just goes to show that the full release which everyone is playing is still in beta. To this effect, I would have suggested the initial beta was actually an alpha.
BF3 is what BF4 should be like. It's clean, accurate and actually fun to play in comparison. BF4 is the biggest cause of mechanical keyboards going through monitor screens![]()
played a lot of BF3 until the BF4 beta turned up, once again just couldn't get on with it and for some reason haven't touched either since, in fact i don't even think i got origin installed anymore
Wasnt any good at BF3 but had some of the best moments on it
Anyone having a problem with Origin password recovery?
I haven't used Origin in years, so forgot my pass. When I request a password reset email, it takes 6+ hours to deliver, by which time the password reset link expires!
Super annoying
[edit] IGNORE, just worked now. The magic of OcUK?![]()
seen a lot of hackers on BF3 since this went free. I haven't really played since BF4 came out, but a friend got it and so I went back. This was the worst botter I encountered:
Reported him, but he is still playing, and looking at his reports still aimbotting.
This kills the game for me, but other people seem to not bother getting killed multiple times through walls from across the map....