Ditto for me. See below. I'm at 57% now but it's going through a period where it'll work for a few seconds and then stop. It's currently going at 4.46MB/sec and going up but it can also drop to 50-100KB.Is it just me or are EA's download servers absolutely awful for anyone else? Trying to download games, Origin either maxes out at 100kb/s or fails, whereas Steam is happily chugging away at 8mb/s
Not having any luck downloading the game. It does a bit then complains of a download error. Currently at 21% but it's stopping almost immediately so I'm not making any progress. Any ideas? I checked the Origin site which said to restart the client, which I have done.
Is it just me or are EA's download servers absolutely awful for anyone else? Trying to download games, Origin either maxes out at 100kb/s or fails, whereas Steam is happily chugging away at 8mb/s
Battlefield 1942 was the best bf game by a country mile...
Not sure about it as a game but my first introduction to 1942 was epic - jumped in completely blind spawned in a trench alongside a load of other people on the edge of a desert area just as 2 tanks appeared around dunes out in the desert along with infantry and hostile planes incoming on a strafing run on the trench.
First map played on a new free account (mainly for guests to play alongside me) and first aim bot encountered. Vote kick was disabled so just quit the server and played another. Still plays so much better than BF4.
Currently reinstalling on my main pc to give it another go(Oh and getting 16.10MB/s download speed)
Nice one, I've already got the game but now means a number of my mates can try it for free (still can't believe some of them have never played it, living in the dark ages or what, lol).
did they do something to the visuals in BF3? Wow they look amazing, might even say better than BF4 lol. It looked nowhere near this nice on Xbox360 lol. Just playing through some of the Campaign, sorting out my keybinds the same as BF4 before I hop in on some MP. Played 2 games online, but my 2nd game I got a freeze.
mines downloading whilst im at work
never played any of the BF games yet
is it similar to the cod games?