Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Kill changes all the time depending on how your games went. I've lost over 100 before after one round.

I got mine up to about 900 after a MAV round before :p

Aight. Furry muffingtons.

Beardy_Spyder just nabbed his first cheater on the server. Well done beardy.

It was the sniper instant kill everyone hack. Here are his details for fellow admins to universal ban him.

[02.01.2012 12:20:07] Player GUID Computed e32889f53c2d71ebfcd30d9a3d5c6578(-) (slot #5) Bce_xopowo_O
Is there anywhere online with the BF3 patch notes listed? I mean historical ones, and current all in the same place?
He was only in the server for about 1 minute 30 seconds. Of course this is great, but i was hoping to get his punkbuster screenshot. My plugin didnt have time to capture it because of the swift actions of the beardy. :D
Two in one day:eek:, i had the unfortunate experience of joining a server once, where two clan mates on the same team were taking turns at killing everyone on the opposite team. One had 31 kills 30 seconds into the round.
From Russia with love

Instant kill sniper hack (second of the day :rolleyes:)

IP & Guid

Player GUID Computed c1a2b493cfb7b549db286fe05b3a1a1e(-) (slot #29) ReNetYeiI0Qwqsy

Like all hackers ive seen his punkbuster screenshot is black. (blocked via cheat software)

was he still playing on your server ?

his guid i checked is banned on streaming pbbans servers for aimbot.
that TuGWizard guy wasnt cheating he was awfully bad, he started accusing me of hacking saying ive been name and shamed on several forums (which i thought this was one as it was on ur server matt) unless hes from ***** forums? that we played few practice games against :(

thats why i asked if u knew him from these forums or any other cause id like to know where ive been name and shamed or he might just be talking ****!

i requested friends with him on battlelog asking for links to these forums but he declined it haha!
more then a perfect excuse lol! i gotta go work now and its toooooooo cold, dreading how cold its gonna be at 2:30am :(

enjoy ur night of BF3 u lucky ****** :D
was he still playing on your server ?

his guid i checked is banned on streaming pbbans servers for aimbot.

Nah he was banned on his 30th kill. In the server for about a minute or two. Snagged him quickly thanks to beardy alterting me.
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