Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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working fine for me now. WHat I've done:

Ran PB Setup v3.4 manually updated some files. Uninstalled PB service / reinstalled.

still had PB kicks so I rebooted and it's working fine now. Just played 2 1000 ticket games without any problems.

Were you able to stay on the round for more than 10 minutes? If so then its fixed. I can connect sometimes for a few minutes before getting booted. Non pub servers work fine btw.
This is not client side problem but a PB problem with the patch, those that are playing on servers and not getting kick is probably because the admins have done the below fix.

[HOWTO] Solve RESTRICTION Corrupted File/Memory

As there is again a problem with restriction kicks, the best solution is to simply disable restriction kicks for the moment.

This can be done on separate ways:

a) change pb_sv_restrictions from 1 or 2 to 0 in your pbsv.cfg


b) open the PB console (e.g. in procon) and send the command pb_sv_restrictions 0 to the server

This disables kicking for restrictions.

You can change it back when the issue is solved.

0 does not kick for any restrictions
1 kicks for general restrictions
2 kicks for the usage of macros
Worked fine for me, managed to play for a good half an hour without a single kick. Totally random server though so it may have had the above fix already done to it.
Not sure if they count towards your multiplayer Exp points but it does have its own weapons unlocks, pretty easy to unlock them, some decent weapons aswell:)

if anyone fancies a bit of CO-OP please add me, it'd be nice to play with some competant players for once.

BF3 ID - steve5648
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ours wont kick anyone now, its filled up in mere mins though so I dont think there are many set up not to kick right now. Capitalise people, come one. Raven posted the fix a few posts up.
done 3 games of co-op unlocked 3 of the weapons already :) will have to test them out i guess :P

not much effort for a couple of weapons

also something that has been bugging me can you edit load outs and your dog tag outside of joining a game hate having to join a server just to change things
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