Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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I've been getting random disconnects from EA an awful lot more since the latest update and Origin patch. Anyone else experiencing difficulties?

Yes I had a few disconnects last night. Disconnected from EA (1) message.
Im concerned as when this happended my stats did not update. In this case the Battle Report showed I recieved a Service Star for the dissconected game - but this didnt NOT show on my main stats page.

The next time I played I got the Service Star again. So I have been given the same service star in 2 reports! But as I said the disconnected game did not count in my stats. Anyone else get this, or will it eventually count?

The second you engage the enemy you are a valid target, whether you are in your base or not. Landing does not reset this condition.

+100 million

welcome to tonight's episode of setter and his 101 bf3 problems.......

Rofl........Ooooh Setter.....Why do I imagine you as Ed Bundy and ur PC as Peggy?

90,000 battlefield 3 players last night were dropped out of servers due to a problem with ea's master server Blaze.

Tell me about.....I actually had to leave the house and meet real people.....WTF
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90,000 battlefield 3 players last night were dropped out of servers due to a problem with ea's master server Blaze.

Hi LtMatt, the fact that I've got the same Service Star in 2 Battle Reports is annoying, this was because I got disconnected from a game last night. Do you know if this will ever be added to my stats (stats not updated for the disconnected game).
Its a bit retarded that i got kicked, twice, last night from ltmatts server presumably to make way for someone qeueing...

Its not my fault i joined ten mins previously when there were only 30 odd players playing and that others waited till it was full to try and join...
Its a bit retarded that i got kicked, twice, last night from ltmatts server presumably to make way for someone qeueing...

Its not my fault i joined ten mins previously when there were only 30 odd players playing and that others waited till it was full to try and join...

We don't have a queuing kick plugin thingy Mcwotsit......Origin and BF3 were having issues last night. I got kicked along with 28 other people in one go :(
At first i thought it was my housemate unplug me from the internet but at about 11 i realised he wasn't in. But i git disconnected 3 times with 10 people queing and I've heard maybe jimlad or someone say in chat in game they have kicked person x to get person y i put 2 and 2 together...

It might not be a plug in but im pretty sure people get kicked when others know their mate is waiting.
Errrr we constantly kick random's out of sqd so that we can sqd up, so that might be it.

"It might not be a plug in but im pretty sure people get kicked when others know their mate is waiting."

I never have....Am normally owing place 6, 7, 8th in the queue like a BAWS. I can also confirm that I haven't seen / heard any admin's do it on the 247 server.

While i'm a cheeky ****er most of the time, I do take any measure of responsibility seriously and am giving it to you straight and true.

Ooooh I've also just realised that we can't kick people who are "inda queue", I take it you were "in game"...........

Plus I'd never kick you.....unless u turned all nasty....your shiny tags r just too much of a lure
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Its a bit retarded that i got kicked, twice, last night from ltmatts server presumably to make way for someone qeueing...

Its not my fault i joined ten mins previously when there were only 30 odd players playing and that others waited till it was full to try and join...

Stop accusing us of something we would never do.. bit low.

Origin ****ed up twice yesterday, had to get the servers populated twice last night because of this.

You might get kicked out of a squad to make room for someone else. We don't kick people from the server so friends can get into the server quicker.
Something I kept seeing last night which I hadn't seen before. I'm shooting someone, they fall to the floor so I stop shooting, at which point they appear stood up again (no anim to get up) and kill me :confused: I believe I also had this happen from my point of view, as I was being shot and fell to the ground only to suddenly spring back up again!

I can't hit anything at all lately, I'm sure I've missed the "marshmallow bullets" selection in the loadout! Not that I'm a demon player or anything, but I ended up even trying the latency slider in the gameplay settings I was that desperate! (not that it made much difference). I keep getting shot by people who are side on to me or have their backs to me, obviously from their point of view they must be facing me but it keeps catching me out. I guess I need to take more notice of the mini-map as well but I hate that with a passion, but it's pretty obvious in play that enemy players find it very useful! :D
Anyone up for some co-op later today from 730pm onwards

Got this game at release and kind of neglected it but now I’m ready to put some serious time into

Solider name Sem-XL if anyone is up for it
I have a question regarding my Q6600 in light of this game.

[email protected] (389MHz x 9)

If I were to instead increase FSB to 438MHz and reduce multi to 8, so I get:

[email protected] (438MHz x 8)

would this improve my gaming performance as front side bus speed has increased?

Well I guess you'd also be running your memory at a higher speed, whether it would be something you'd notice in game I don't know...

I'm running a [email protected] (400MHz x 9) with a GTX 295 and I'm seeing a lot of FPS slow downs that I didn't have before the patch. It's not like I was getting good FPS before either! I'm going to try out different GFX drivers over the weekend...
I have a question regarding my Q6600 in light of this game.

[email protected] (389MHz x 9)

If I were to instead increase FSB to 438MHz and reduce multi to 8, so I get:

[email protected] (438MHz x 8)

would this improve my gaming performance as front side bus speed has increased?

won't make a noticable difference, BF3 is GPU dependant. The Q6600 was an amazing chip in its day.
wing dont worry about it its mainly gpu so you wont even notice the difference

cant believe rounds just had on matts removed from favourites.

team killed constantly as trying to move up stacked teams. not fun to play when like that or skilled. i cant remember last time i joined that server for a even team round always same stack one side rape until end rinse repeat.
Its a bit retarded that i got kicked, twice, last night from ltmatts server presumably to make way for someone qeueing...

Its not my fault i joined ten mins previously when there were only 30 odd players playing and that others waited till it was full to try and join...

You shouldn't have been kicked to make way for someone else if you did i would be able to see it in the server logs and take approapriate action with the admin concerned.

As I and others already pointed out there were lots of issues last night so this would explain all that.

Dice are supposed to be implementing reserved server slots though. Once they do then regular donaters will be added to the reserved slot list along with all admins.
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