Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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I was loving the Metro server last night AI vs 247 lol even if you are a complete **** Jimlad :p

I don't think it matter if you use the foregrip or the underslung you still get me more than I get you most of the time :p
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I was loving the Metro server last night AI vs 247 lol even if you are a complete **** Jimlad :p

I don't think it matter if you use the foregrip or the barrel you still get me more than I get you most of the time :p

to be fair we had B and you guys had to come onto us so we had an advantage. was fun.. long game 4 v 4 for so long :D
Still is the only option from what I'm experiencing. I'm fully patched up too, but I'll try clicking the CHECK FOR UPDATES link in Origin.

Out of all my friends I seem to be the only one experiencing this bug. At least it's good to know this is a somewhat common problem.
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Been trying the M16 without a foregrip. Seems pretty good. Had a few decent TDM rounds, american server that i play now and again. Can be a bit of a lag fest though.

Gonna try the M4A1 without it as it's my engineer tool of choice.
to be fair we had B and you guys had to come onto us so we had an advantage. was fun.. long game 4 v 4 for so long :D

Yeah man, I thought the rest of my team was going to rage quit because they aren't used to playing against people who are that good, and it was ruining their KDs but I was loving it haha :)
i hate engi class, i struggle to get kills

I find it easy. The ACW-R gives you much more range than most guns, it also is full auto so can be good in a one on one. You have rockets for wiping out vehicles and aircraft and mines to place under stationary vehicles and hide around the map. I often top the table at the end, especially on a good day have high kd ratio. It is also a very good class for vehicles as you can repair them. I sometimes use the EOD bot in metro too to spot camping enemies lol.
M16 recoil is easy to counter too! 6-7 bullet bursts and pull down with the mouse! Things die so fast and easy! Ill link u to a video when I get home punch did on epicentre he got 103-3 with m16 watch how he plays he's one of the best bf3 players around so should be good to learn from!

Don't know if its the fact its a video or not but that's running so much smoother than mine. Had a lot of games in the last week or so where there's a really annoying stutter, most notably when shooting or when been shot at. Spoiling the experience :(

I wish BF hadn't got caught up with the unlock rubbish and just give everyone the same basic kit. Then all this what works best will no longer be an issue (and given everyone ends up using the same kit anyway its pointless).

Wonder if they go all out with bf4 and dump killstreaks on us? airstrike/pack of dogs/nuclear strike anyone :(
Bf3 has been pretty stuttery lately. Particularly since aftermath came out. Im fed up with it a bit myself now. Not the game itself now. Moreso to do with internet connection. This game really favours people with high speed fibre optic connections. Go on bf3 with adsl you are in for a world of extreme hurt.
I play bf3 on 10mb download 1mb upload from sky! I have zero problems!

Even played vs USA team tonight raped them on Caspian and only just lost on bazaar that was with 100ping Still won the game by 200 Tickets!

Really don't understand how ur games performance can fluctuate so much.. also since the new server update they seem to have fixed TV bug too cause it hasn't happened since!
10mb dl, 1mb upload mate. That is good, try it on 2mb dl and 0.30 ul. A good example, on grand bazzar. In the tunnel that leads to the alley from market. I can shoot at a player who has his back to me. Put a controlled couple of bursts into his torso and head. I can read his name tag above his head. He turns round, shoots me. Im dead. I look at the score sheet via the TAB key, his ping is in the mid teens, mine is in the 50's. The network slider, or as i call it the no work slider does nothing whatsoever.
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