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Russian MP models. They look awesome IMO.[/QUOTE]

yup also no overgrown pubic hair wookie suit so as its urban warfare in most maps I hope. Maybe the uniform might change in different terrain?


[*] OS: Windows 7 64-bit -PASS
[*] Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD CPU - PASS
[*] RAM: 4GB - PASS
[*] Graphics card: DirectX 11 Nvidia or AMD ATI card, GeForce GTX 460, Radeon Radeon HD 6850 - PASS
[*] Graphics card memory: 1 GB - PASS
[*] Hard drive: 15 GB for disc version or 10 GB for digital version -PASS

Woot I passed all the expected! I knew my AMD build was the right path to choose!
Those models are awesome! Why does engi have a gas mask though?

I know it's unlikely but I hope they surprise us with other factions as well. I'd love to see at least one more, MEC or China or something. Anything really.

Yea, EU faction will be awesome too!

Also the reason why the engineer has a gas mask is that he is equipped with a blow torch so DICE being TF2 fans they had to add the pyro in BF3 - makes sense eh? ;)

edit: it looks like those who pre-ordered on origin get access to the closed beta and also the physical warfare package.
The Origin offer not only includes the Back To Karkand expansion pack (like all other pre-orders), but also includes the Physical Warfare pack. But Origin also offers something exclusive that no other retailer has: early access to the Battlefield 3 beta, which kicks off next month, in September.

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Is there a pic like that but of the USA side?

Love how the Engineer has an m4 but also has shotgun shells on his front pouches.

What is it with these skins anyway, is there an option to use them or the default ones, or once you buy them do they become default?
What is it with these skins anyway, is there an option to use them or the default ones, or once you buy them do they become default?

I expect it'll be like BC2, if you've bought them you can select to use them from the loadout screen.

If the single players anything like BC2 i won't bother! It was rubbish! :/
Recommended system requirements for Battlefield 3

  • OS: Windows 7 64-bit <- pass
  • Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD CPU <- pass
  • RAM: 4GB <- pass
  • Graphics card: DirectX 11 Nvidia or AMD ATI card, GeForce GTX 460, Radeon Radeon HD 6850 <- fail
  • Graphics card memory: 1 GB <- fail
  • Hard drive: 15 GB for disc version or 10 GB for digital version <- pass

This is good, should be able to max it easily.
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