Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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And im sick of US being the "good guys" in these games whereas in reality they are far from it.

Agreed, it's very much insidious propaganda.

No but why can't we play as UK, Canada, Germany or any other NATO force? How about KFOR/IFOR I'm not aware of a Balkan based shooter.

As an American, I'd absolutely love to experience realistic perspective of those other forces, and even more so the traditionally and very wrongfully demonised ones such as Russia etc. In fact, I'd be more likely to buy such a game, as I'm no nationalist and am beyond sick of that idiocy, which was obviously taken full adavantage of by Bush & Co scum for such terrible ends.

I'll tell you why not. Its because those isolationist Americans have probably never heard of Bosnia or anything other than WWII, Vietnam, Cold war, Iraq, Afghanistan and probably wouldn't buy a shooter where you didn't play some awful oohrah yankee retard.


lol...*sigh* Of course there's some truth to that. Personally, I despise Washington's warmongering and actively support opposition groups with the goals of drastically reducing military spending, halting and accounting for our long international crime-spree and general sabre-rattling, Imperialist bull****.

Sorry for the off-topic.
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im sure the in house people they use are not fps gamers why woiuld u use should a bad default fov :confused:

the gun is like as big as a loaf of bread.

wish game makes would put it to something good like 80 or so at default
Be nice to play a city map and have the sun set as the battle rages on, dunno why most games just have a set time of day, though i suppose shadows springing up all over the place with the sun setting could lead to a decent performance hit.

Just wonder if bf3 has all the camera angles that bf2 allowed us, bc2 felt very restricting only letting us have cockpit or third person in vehicles.
That's really not a realistic amount of recoil for an automatic rifle, unless of course you're ridiculously proficient with that particular weapon.

Giving the weapons their real recoil levels would make it much less fun.
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