Battlefield 4 - Performance FIXES Thread (Good or Bad)

8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
CPU : i5 2500K @ 4.6GHZ
MEMORY : 8GB Memory
SOUND : Creative Labs XFI (Latest Drivers)
GPU : Nvidia 660GTX MSI Twin Fan @ +60MHZ/+300MHZ (42C Max Load) - Latest Drivers!
OS : Windows 7 64BIT ( All drivers up to date )
PROBLEMS : Lots of tearing in game, frame rate all over the place, lots of stuttering and jerking, even had the odd stall and stutter completely unplayable!
SETTINGS : Tried Default Ultra all the way down to LOW



Problems: (If any)

So far these are the possible fixes and or causes!


1) Update your Punkbuster
2) Update to the latest Beta drivers ( Nvidia? ) ( Before installing the latest Beta Drivers, use this New (Unoffical) AMD/Nvidia Displayer Uninstaller : DDU)
3) Some have said running in windowed mode
4) High CPU usage + Low GPU Usage - Increase supersampling
5) "Still testing" Windows 8 appears to offer better performance than Windows 7
6) Closing Battlelog(browser) before you play

7) (Testing)
Make a user.cfg file and EDIT with these details, place in Documents/Battlefield 4 and in your origin/bf4 folder where the exe is.

PerfOverlay.DrawGraph 0
PerfOverlay.DrawFps 1
PostProcess.DofMethod 0
PostProcess.BlurMethod 0
PostProcess.DynamicAOEnable 0
PostProcess.DynamicAOMethod 0
Render.VSyncFlashTestEnable 0
WorldRender.TransparencyShadowmapsEnable 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable 0
WorldRender.MotionForceOn 0
WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapEnable 0
WorldRender.SpotlightShadowmapResolution 256
WorldRender.LightTileCsPathEnable 0
RenderDevice.Dx11Enable 0 ( 1 for enable DX11 )
RenderDevice.Dx11Dot1Enable 0
RenderDevice.Dx11Dot1RuntimeEnable 0
RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit 0
RenderDevice.Dx9Enable 1 ( If you are using DX11 put 0 )

Put this line in, only if you want to
GameTime.MaxVariableFps 60 "120 for 120z monitors"

7B) Start BF4 than switch to your taskmanager and make priority of BF 4 to low, that will help ( Thanks ocuk )

8) EA have announced a fix/patch

Low frame rate/stuttering
We believe we are close to fixing this too. We will release more info as we know more. Meanwhile, please make sure that you have the Beta drivers for your graphics card. Also, please try changing servers to see if your performance increases.

1) Some have said that Windows 7 is a pretty big factor in the cause of peoples problems, while others disagree. If you have Windows 8 and it's fine, let us know!
2) "Raw input" seems to add input lag
3) If you have a black screen or long loading time, could be Punkbuster related

Thanks to the ocuk members for keeping this up to date :)


Is your game stuttering? Then use this tool and post back the results

This was from a poster on GURU3D
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Frame rates are much better with the 327.24's however it's still a stuttery,juddery mess!

It feels as if I'm running Battlefield 4 on an old hard drive :D

EDIT : It isn't VRAM causing it as i'm only using 963MB
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Like the OP I'm having lots of performance issues...Major slowdown, lagging and stuttering.
It looks like a memory leak in places, when it does work it's otherwise pretty decent.

Same here, I can play BF3 on High/Ultra on most maps, but on BF4 I get extremely low fps even on the lowest settings. I hope it gets fixed... soon.

same here cant play it with a i7 64 internal mem and run on ssd it looks like a bad slide show even with 14 ping !!!!

Same here. Practically unplayable. And my PC is no slouch. I know it's beta, but come on.
Horrible video lag. All settings on low, average 26fps with dips down to 3. Unplayable.....

This is still Alpha. Beta should be smooth as silk with this rig. Plenty of i5 and i7 guys complaining about the same thing!

Probably not driver related but game will need patching


It seems that it has really something to do with Window 7 vs Windows 8 !

all of my friends are playing it on Windows 8 flaweless, now i have Win 7 64 bit Enterprise installed and it's lagging as hell !

Seems i'm not the only one to spot this ^
I can confirm Windows 8 is not stuttering like Windows 7 for BF4 beta

I installed Win7 2 days ago.. and Win8 yesterday with the sole purpose of playing the battlefield 4 beta.. Windows 7 was awful.. Windows 8 plays nice and smooth like BF3.

I'm going to do a Windows 8 install tomorrow for the lol's :D
That other thread just seems to have people intent on arguing about semantics and you said this and I said that styled bickering.

Agreed it's also just a benchmark thread

I agree with you also regarding


and what problems you are having, IF you are having them. Also Updating OP now
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