Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

A positive comment, finally.

90% of the posts are people saying how bad/good it runs on their PC's and only 10% comment about the actual gameplay :(

Relax guys, it is just the first day of beta. It will get BETTER. If you think your 3 months old PC sucks take a look at my sig and have a good laugh.

So, is the gameplay better than BF3? I've been watching streams all day and it looks very fun to play.

Have you read pretty much every other thread in PC gaming section at the moment? I can't work out why but everyone seems obsessed with what FPS they're getting rather than the game itself.

On another note, the gameplay is pretty much BF3, nothing has made me think it's any different yet :(
A positive comment, finally.

90% of the posts are people saying how bad/good it runs on their PC's and only 10% comment about the actual gameplay :(

Relax guys, it is just the first day of beta. It will get BETTER. If you think your 3 months old PC sucks take a look at my sig and have a good laugh.

So, is the gameplay better than BF3? I've been watching streams all day and it looks very fun to play.

Absolutely fun :)
Quite big improvement over BF3,and i must say into the right direction
Of course,you cant demand much from Beta - laggy,some places missing textures,etc.etc.,but overall it will be better than BF3 i have no doubt
Oh,and killing everything around from boat - yummmy ;)
Have you read pretty much every other thread in PC gaming section at the moment? I can't work out why but everyone seems obsessed with what FPS they're getting rather than the game itself.

On another note, the gameplay is pretty much BF3, nothing has made me think it's any different yet :(
True, it seems like big FPS numbers>actual gameplay :(

Absolutely fun :)
Quite big improvement over BF3,and i must say into the right direction
Of course,you cant demand much from Beta - laggy,some places missing textures,etc.etc.,but overall it will be better than BF3 i have no doubt
Oh,and killing everything around from boat - yummmy ;)

Have you read pretty much every other thread in PC gaming section at the moment? I can't work out why but everyone seems obsessed with what FPS they're getting rather than the game itself.

Because its all you can comment on when the game is unplayable. Fairly obvious answer tbh.

On the face of it I would say its bf3 with a couple of improvements so more than likely it should be fine. The bigger squad is a step in the right direction but apart from that its impossible to say how the game plays.

But first day and a few hours play and it only crashed once. For EA thats a succsss :D
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Not had a single crash here, plays smooth enough even with the relatively low end GPU in this laptop (GTX675m) performance isn't amazing tho even taking the GPU into account and while smooth theres some underlying latency in the engine probably due to swapping resouces in and out as you move from area to area.
Tell what I am liking about the beta. The short round times, I have been playing domination and the round is over on 8-12 minutes. Some servers have too many tickets in BF3. You either have to be jobless, kid or a student to finish a round.
im liking the other game mode better .cant wait for tdm as the reg is moh 2010 like. ill play a bit of conquest but not really my cup of tea.
It does indeed seem more like the moh games reg wise, both of which were pretty good.

Of the few quick rounds ive played, ive really enjoyed them so far.
I am glad to see they have made the improvements they said they were going to make to BF3 and implemented them to BF4. I might actually preorder the game now!

See that is what annoys me!

The stuff that they changed/implemented are the things that everyone has been begging for since the release of bf 3 and the annoying thing is that they could have easily implemented those changes/new stuff, instead they wasted their time tweaking weapons non stop even when there was no need :mad:

I wouldn't be surprised if they do the same with regards to bf 4 and 5 :(

Tell what I am liking about the beta. The short round times, I have been playing domination and the round is over on 8-12 minutes. Some servers have too many tickets in BF3. You either have to be jobless, kid or a student to finish a round.

Lets hope that remains for the final game over the next year or two.

Completely agree, hate joining a game if I haven't got the time to finish the full round and either way, once you hit a certain point it just drags on and on and for a game where one side is just dominating i.e. base rape it just makes for an incredibly dull round.

I also hope that after a few months we don't end up with the majority of servers running the same 1, 2 or 3 maps non stop, such a pita trying to find a good server that runs most of the maps :(

two of the reasons why I stick to mostly CQ maps....

Really can't wait to play this, it will be weird adjusting to a new game that doesn't have suppression (at least not the same stupid way in bf 3), faster rpgs etc.
The hitreg is insane,... a lot of the time I have a low ping around 48 yet I fire a full mag and they don't die, but they jump round and single shot me... As for sniping, I hit people in the head and it doesnt kill them, I have to shoot them 3x to do so!

Bring back hardcore and I may have a chance!
Could just be that you aren't use to normal mode, was the same for me when I went from HC to normal mode :p

With hardcore mode you could shoot someone in the tow and they would still die more or less instantly where as with normal mode, you really need to get the chest/head shots (especially for the first shot) to drop them quickly.

Although a lot of people have said the same and I have also noticed it from watching a fair amount of youtube videos :/
Can I just emphasize this is BETA. BF3 beta was very slow compared to the final product. I think my FPS jumped like 30%.
So, is the gameplay better than BF3? I've been watching streams all day and it looks very fun to play.

can't say it's better than bf3, but most of that i put down to people still not playing as a squad.

people setting objectives over the other side the map where 90% of there armour is and they've invaded your side of the map, then camping the enemies gimme flags while they get backraged from home.

with the way the squad perks are set you'd hope that people would see the big message on screen "last man in squad" and hunker down until someone spawns, but noooooo they still rambo it :(.

tried the viop without much success, but not sure if thats down to a bad mic my end or people in the squad not having mics/wanting to use them.

Can I just emphasize this is BETA..........

no need to emphasise it, EA already got that in before the beta was released :D.

i've got a 3570K and 7850 which was more than enough for bf3, but this is killing it and just takes a lot of the enjoyment out of the play.

just don't see that this will encourage people to buy it that don't already intend to.
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The hitreg is insane,... a lot of the time I have a low ping around 48 yet I fire a full mag and they don't die, but they jump round and single shot me... As for sniping, I hit people in the head and it doesnt kill them, I have to shoot them 3x to do so!

Bring back hardcore and I may have a chance!

I'm having the opposite experience - hit reg is way better mostly than previous BF games though I do find sniping is still hit or miss if a blatantly dead on shot hits or not.

with the way the squad perks are set you'd hope that people would see the big message on screen "last man in squad" and hunker down until someone spawns, but noooooo they still rambo it :(.

Too much to take in and the game takes the hard route to implement everything - I saw that message on screen a few times but having not played since BF2 I just assumed it was consolidating squads or something and forgot about it.

Honestly this is why I play COD usually (not hating) it just goes for the most efficent implementation for basic mechanics and is a far more seamless experience - I'm getting random messages popping up all over the place telling me to do this or do that and none of it makes much sense in the context of what I'm currently doing/I'm to busy to be able to work out what they are actually telling me so I just dismiss them :S
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It's not too bad with 326.19

Most of the time is smooth but for no reason at all, now and again i will get a bit of stuttering in either Low or Ultra.

Just found the perfoverlay.drawfps 1 option and fps is all over the shop, at some places i get 100+ fps... which suddenly falls to 20 for no reason, very strange.
Just found the perfoverlay.drawfps 1 option and fps is all over the shop, at some places i get 100+ fps... which suddenly falls to 20 for no reason, very strange.

From casual observation (though could be wrong) it looks like the thread(s) used for loading data in and out are always hard assigned to the last 1-2 cores (depending on system config) and other worker threads left for the OS to assign to cores - sometimes it seems the worker threads will be busy on the same thread as is loading data and performance falls apart - for some people seems to be more of an issue than others. (I could be completely wrong though this was just observation from task manager and process monitor which gave me a bit of an idea of what the threads were doing).
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