Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

omg its every october :p

youll get beta access at same time as usual. the next bf will be out in october this year !

been this way for last four years ever since the adopted the cod sales approach. the only difference now is they have dropped moh from the alternating role of each october as it cant compete with bf series or cod for sales . so why make it.
All those that have wasted thousands of hours in the trash that is the shallow BF3, get to do it every year with a new battlefield, or shall I say a rehashed battlefield.

EA kills all things that were once good. I will not be supporting their ******* of the franchise.
I've played over 400 hours on BF3 and enjoyed it.

I know others have played a lot more, I'm happy to see another one coming.
Happier to see BFBC3 than BF4 myself

Edit: Actually, I'll not bother with any of them. The whole 'you have to download DLC you haven't bought yet just to play the game' really ****ed me off.
2014 release, 3 years between each game and people are saying it's "too early".

The game hasn't even been announced yet and people are already moaning about it.

Personally I'm just happy they aren't turning battlefield into a *FULLY STAR SWEAR WORDS* bucket like cod that is released annually with nothing but a new number on the box. If BF3 is anything to go by we're in for a decent large scale fps. Not a call of duty.
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lol it's EA, beta was announced for this year, BF4/BF3.5 will be out this year, you think EA are gonna miss out on some pre COD and the holiday season sales? naive much? I bet anyone £20 we will see BF3.5 this year.
What the hell is wrong with people here?

Bunch of whingey *****.

I look forward to a new battlefield game, enjoyed number 3, no doubt will enjoy number 4.

The last time a new battlefield game came out was 2011...?
I can't wait for a new Battlefield to be honest even if it is pretty much the same with new maps, guns, vehicles and the like. I think DICE and EA have done a great job with BF3 and them still supporting it now.

Also if it is due out next year/end of this year then maybe they are focusing development on next-gen with a 3rd party company making the titles for current gen meaning we should hopefully get an even nicer and optimised PC version :D

It is bound to be veryyyy similar to BF3 though but maybe the extra development time and understanding of the engine might let them add some of the old BF features that made people boycott (lawl) BF3. Like the commander stuff and blueness.
Oh dear, 5 years between BF2 and BF3 lead to great changes in technology which warranted a new game. 2 years between BF3 and BF4 means just the same old stuff sold to us at full price again.
because moh was the alternating game this october :rolleyes:

now they have dropped moh it will be bf every october as we are saying

so now every october you get to play the new exclusive playstation 3 game every year :D

best thing is cod does it better, sells better and will hopefully have the brand new engine in november so basically everything better with new engine .

atleast it may shake ea up a bit then and make then make a proper pc game (wont happen too much focus on consoles )
Lol, they won't add any new features, at least not for free, they will have their stupid premium and DLC packs again which will introduce stuff that the community wants and the sad thing is, people will continue to bend over for them by buying that stuff :(

I am most looking forward to seeing what they say they will do and then seeing what they actually do. Told far too many lies for BF 3 i.e. commo rose, before the game was released "biggest maps ever", VOIP, PC being the lead platform etc. etc. and then twisting their answers or being very vague.

It will be interesting to see what their "art direction" will be for this game......

It will be interesting to see what their "art direction" will be for this game......


There is a little glare in shot but pretty impressive graphics don't you think? Almost photorealistic! Better get saving for GPUs :D
OMG, totally awesome! Being a proud DICE/EA fanboy.........



On a more serious note, that is what your screen will look like when you look at someone's flash light in BF 4 :D :p
Wish they'd move on to a different time period from current scenarios, there's only so many rehashes of the same middle east modern combat you can do and maintain interest *yawn*. Would love to see 1942 redone, or 2142 for that matter...
I'm not really sure why everyone seems to ignore the cold war period. That'd be fairly awesome - reasonably modern kit, but some fanastic Russian and US locations you could use.
[TW]Fox;23674604 said:
I'm not really sure why everyone seems to ignore the cold war period. That'd be fairly awesome - reasonably modern kit, but some fanastic Russian and US locations you could use.

Operation Flashpoint seems to have been the only one that really made use of that setting.
Likewise, getting bored of the modern shooters now, would love for a good old vietnam/WW setting or better yet set in the future.
As other people have hinted, i have a worrying feeling that EA will follow the Activision business model of making a game every year, this would make sense from a business standpoint.

2013 = BC3
2014 = BF4
2015 = BC4

etc.... :(
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