Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

Well, everyone is entitled to their opinion and I think that BF3 is a brilliant game and I'm definitely looking forward to the next one.
Yes but BF3 took 6 years to produce. This next title will have taken less than two, probably.
Well, everyone is entitled to their opinion and I think that BF3 is a brilliant game and I'm definitely looking forward to the next one.

Get ready to pay £40+ for the base game and £9.99 a month on "expansions" which your game client will download for you before you are forced to buy them so you can play with friends

Oh and you'll be up against people who have paid £20 to unlock all the guns, so in the beginning you'll be fighting Spec Ops hard nuts with a pop gun, unless you pay up for that too :D
BC2 :D

but its clear to see from the graphical style that it laid the ground work for bf3.
cant wait tbh you know why ? cause cod is supposed to be on the new engine and everyone will jump ship :p will be funny to see all the bf3 nabs playing cod :)

no more bf games for me they lie to you every release and charge through te nose for pretty broken games . also worst hitreg in fps for last five years aswell :D . they sure can make em good :p

also bf games come out every october . so it will be bfbc3 out late october to try to beat cod for sales (which they cant as usual )

CoD is no better. Since COD4, it's gone downhill as well.
[TW]Fox;23674604 said:
I'm not really sure why everyone seems to ignore the cold war period. That'd be fairly awesome - reasonably modern kit, but some fanastic Russian and US locations you could use.

Well if you were doing cold war you really wouldn't use Soviet or US locations as it was all proxy wars such as afghan, Korea and so on.
Not Battlefield 4, please no. B3 is awful.
DICE are not going to do away with the Battlelog in a million years either. I hate that thing! 'Advertise on Battlelog'
Truth is Bad Company 3 is a world away, in more ways than one!

DICE cashed out
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I doubt they'd ever think of release a 1942 with use of Frostbite 2, after they released the very lacklustre 1943.

That game could have been so much more!

I just think Battlefield is lost now as a franchise, Planetside 2 is holding more of my interest atm.

TBH, all they have to do with BF3 is allow for mod-tools and introduce the commander and voice in-game so actual tactics can be applied to the game.

I'm trying to find it fun, but every game just feels more like a TDM!
yes I spent 150 hrs on B3 - and I've tried to like it and I still cant stand it - even after re-installing a few times. From the moment you use the Battlelog, forums full of idiots - and Ea closed forums down for the battlelog ones?! Hideous. Then the game. I wouldn't mind but the graphics in BC2 are actually better. Gameplay is the point here though, its better on BC2 than B3. oh and I hate the maps in B3 - too big and boring. Enough ranting,
you are right tho curvy, I don't think DICE can bring back Battlefield back to where we were in 2010. before the machine B3
One thing that has completely put me off Battlefield games from now on is the amount of expensive map packs, and the Premium Edition BS. I'd much rather spend £40 on a game and know that that's it, that I won't need to spend £10-£15 every couple of months to keep up to date with it. Really sickens and angers me.
CoD is no better. Since COD4, it's gone downhill as well.

it has ill agree but with new engine that everyone uses as a excuse to ridicule cod could be a different game altogether. atleast cod make games hat work out the box play well and not a bugfest and have great reg !

do agree though the latest few cods have been as bad as bf3 pure console game. it still makes me laugh when people herald bf3 as a great pc game when its clearly designed for consoles and even the lead platform is ps3 :D

but its popular so they just forget its a console port.
I'm quite looking forward to BF4 and I don't really get why so many people are down on BF3. There were some things I liked better in BF2, like aircraft physics, especially on the choppers. And vanilla BF3 maps weren't that great, but its been rectified now. BF3 has some great maps. Other things that people complain about, like no dolphin diving, I really don't miss that at all.

And why all the complaining about premium? With BF2 you had to pay for each expansion as it came out, with premium you pay a single fee for all of them. /shrug.
I'm quite looking forward to BF4 and I don't really get why so many people are down on BF3. There were some things I liked better in BF2, like aircraft physics, especially on the choppers. And vanilla BF3 maps weren't that great, but its been rectified now. BF3 has some great maps. Other things that people complain about, like no dolphin diving, I really don't miss that at all.

And why all the complaining about premium? With BF2 you had to pay for each expansion as it came out, with premium you pay a single fee for all of them. /shrug.

I'll welcome Battlefield 4 - but can EA ditch the Battlelog - and the advertisements, DOUBLE XP WEEKEND, and PREMIUM ORANGE players, and blah blah blah
Yes but BF3 took 6 years to produce. This next title will have taken less than two, probably.

No it took 6 years for them to come out with it, they were doing other things during that time period, id be very surprised if BF3 was in development much longer than 2.5-3 years tops.
I'll welcome Battlefield 4 - but can EA ditch the Battlelog - and the advertisements, DOUBLE XP WEEKEND, and PREMIUM ORANGE players, and blah blah blah

haha it will get worse not less lol

more spam of sales. only reason battlelog was made
BC2 :D

but its clear to see from the graphical style that it laid the ground work for bf3.

BC2 - and Battlefield 3 graphics:

BC2 - meaty, solid, graphics from March 2010
B3 - tinny feel, blue in colour, pea shooter style gameplay & emphasis on the Battlelog experience 'DOUBLE XP & PREMIUM' from Oct 2011
When I first heard about battlelog I couldn't stand the thought of it, but once I used it, I thought it was pretty cool, however, I hate it now, eveytime I launch a game with proper server lists, it just reminds me how awful battlelog is.
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