Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

Been pretty solid for me and had some fantastic games tonight. Zavod easily my favourite map followed by Paracel Storm.

Has anyone noticed how epic the destruction is? I'm having these moments where I'm thinking WTF, gobsmacked by how pretty this game can be, especially on Paracel.

Hope you guys find fixes for your crashes :)
Played for a few hours tonight with very few crashes but the server we have has been 'hinky'. It keeps going back to Flood Zone no matter what the next map is in the rotation. Any other server admins have the same problem? at the moment Flood Zone is in slot 2 with all 10 maps, 1 round each in the rotation.
indeed. its soo annying.

Good release cycle / defect management processes should prevent releases from going live with critical defects.

The issue with games is that finance/executive management get involved meaning that moving the release date is out of the question, too much £££ at stake :( They know that once we have brought it we will bitch and moan but they already have their money so don't give a ****.

Personally I wouldn't have cared if they had extended the beta to work on these bugs.
Well thats odd, Ive been playing MP all day without issue.

Thought i'd have a go on the SP, and it BSOD, tried again and it froze. :/
Anyone else getting the memory leak bug?

After a round or so my game locks up and I have to reboot the PC.

Yes I get that, the game grinds to a halt, then task manager shows disk and memory at 95% give or take. I thought it was running it in 64 bit, but its not that.
Reset PC then all ok. Happening less now, was really bad Saturday
Joining on friends has a silly oversight, say your squad is full of friends but one of them is random and you decide to join on one of them, it'll pull him out of that squad into your own private one and lock it, delegating command of the previous last join, sometimes to the random. This is pain in the butt when playing with 20~ people all trying to join, you get constantly swapped around squads non stop. Is there anything they actually thought through properly when they design these systems? :|

It'd be nice if they realised all of the people trying to join the same squad wanted and tried to do that and booted the random, would save having to manually do it.
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Sticking to Operation Locker then back to Metro when the DLC hits, the vehicles in this game are just too rage inducing.

Yup, get a tank and team up with a dedicated engineer or two and you've got an easy pubstomp session. Unless you get a decent amount of engineers on your team, rolling armour will prove a major issue, and the problem is that people seem to either go Assault or Recon at the moment. :(

I didn't realise that Metro was being re-released though. Looking forward to that. Easily my favourite map of BF3. :)
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