Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

Gaming tonight for me was the best its been, no Lag, no crashes and pretty decent gameplay (apart from shooting somone point blank and using the whole clip to kill him :S )

Noticed that when I leave a server to find another I dont have the desirability to find another one and get going again, probably due to the maps being pretty boring.
Bit of a weird set of circumstances to get it to happen but I get a severe FPS drop (~50%) on Zavod when I scope-in towards the central building on Zavod 311. I wonder why. I get a bit of a drop in other map when I scope-in but no where near as much as this map.
I'm on the edge of demanding my £95 back....didn't finish nearly 40% of the games due to random crashes which are starting to get to me REALLY bad. Also for some stupid reason, my CPU is over 90% most of the time, and the GPU is barely hoovering between 40-60% which sometimes bring crap frames into play, pretty positive i5 shouldn't bottleneck a 780 but it sure feels like it.....
I'm on the edge of demanding my £95 back....didn't finish nearly 40% of the games due to random crashes which are starting to get to me REALLY bad. Also for some stupid reason, my CPU is over 90% most of the time, and the GPU is barely hoovering between 40-60% which sometimes bring crap frames into play, pretty positive i5 shouldn't bottleneck a 780 but it sure feels like it.....

£95, you got taken for a ride. :eek:
It works, by jove it actually works. Got a solid 2.5h in tonight, no lag, no rubberbanding, no crashes!

Still ave the sound bug in the big train map.

Still can't control my AK12

I'm loosing the will with this :(

Got BF4 at the w/e, installed, downloaded the huge update and launched full screen (first time). Got option to hit enter, but nothing happens. I can see what looks like the windows mouse cursor which i can move about but can't click anything.

I've an old HD 4890 and got drivers warning when starting the game. So far i've updated to Catalyst 13.1 which seems to be the latest driver available for my card and still get the warning. But after having to kill the game from the BattleLog page when it next launches it is in a window rather than full screen.

Any chance anyone else has had this prob? :(
Struggled tonight with lag/rubber banding. Was killed by someone even though I was underneath B on Siege of Shanghai at the time. Parachuting from C also ended in me being 'Killed in action' for some strange reason.

The only good thing that happened was counter knifing a sniper who tried to kill me with a machete. :)

I don't actually think I've finished a game today for various reasons.
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Got my first 'red screen of death' just now. And the game is running like a dog. I've had to turn the settings on low. This is with a 6970 Lightning as well. :rolleyes:
I'm on the edge of demanding my £95 back....didn't finish nearly 40% of the games due to random crashes which are starting to get to me REALLY bad. Also for some stupid reason, my CPU is over 90% most of the time, and the GPU is barely hoovering between 40-60% which sometimes bring crap frames into play, pretty positive i5 shouldn't bottleneck a 780 but it sure feels like it.....

As mentioned earlier, try using win7 compatibility mode. I was maxing out my memory constantly before reading about this tip (and with 24gigs I knew it wasn't a "real" memory issue).
Were some of you on the Beer Drinkers tonight? I'm sure I recognised some names.

Yeah! I was shuffle7

brilliant couple of rounds too, Flood (surprising normally hate that map) and Goldmud Railway. Seems to running ok tonight, saying that my rank hasn't gone up on Battle log yet, be watching that like a hawk!
Yeah! I was shuffle7

brilliant couple of rounds too, Flood (surprising normally hate that map) and Goldmud Railway. Seems to running ok tonight

Was odd, had a great round on rogue transmission and I hate that map, locker was insane as well.
Updated punkbuster manually and haven't had any client side crashes since, but all 4 of the last servers I have been on have crashed. There is no end to the problems this game is causing!
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