Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

I'm having a lot of fun with the emblem creator. Anyone got any funky designs to share? I thought about making a thread for it but it would probably just get merged into here.

Here is a few I have copied from images; they are all emblems personally created by me though.

Share yours people!
I was getting memory leaks even when not playing bf4 or having ran bf4 with usage up at 99%, turns out it was the latest amd driver causing this and i have rolled back to 13.3 I think and its not done it since.
So, I hate this game. The hitreg seems to be worse than BF3. I'm playing with 8ms on a 78mb fiber line and network smoothing set to 0.
It really does not have the pace and feel of BF3 imo.

edit: lol, just saw the video above...
I'm having a lot of fun with the emblem creator. Anyone got any funky designs to share? I thought about making a thread for it but it would probably just get merged into here.

Here is a few I have copied from images; they are all emblems personally created by me though.

Share yours people!

Damn, I want that WW one!!
I haven't had anyone counter knife me since the full release.

Mainly because (from my experience) nothing pops up telling you what to press. I even searched for it in key bindings - nothing - so i assumed they took the option out of the game.
got 20% wins why is this crap game putting me on the crap team all the time? so annoying
Mainly because (from my experience) nothing pops up telling you what to press. I even searched for it in key bindings - nothing - so i assumed they took the option out of the game.

done it a few times, its funny but also i think a bit harsh as you get far to long to press it, feels like you have the time to go make a brew come back and still make the counter, it should be a quick reaction thing i.e 1 sec or less to complete.

It pops up with press f & it only happens if they come at you from the front, can be a bit hard to see if its kicking off,

quick edit.....

to do it right i think it should be a counter loop fight i.e if you press it, they can press it with the time to press getting shorter, could make some proper knife fight moments good for the you tube videos, think about the end fight in under seige, steven seagal style
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Sorry bit OT Joe but do you ever find yourself hitting the max tracking speed on your Evo? I've been thinking about getting one for a while but I use a really low sens (900 dpi, 2% in game) and I'm wondering if it's going to 'spazz' out on me and have me looking at the floor/ sky if I flick too fast...

Neither myself or any of my fellow members of the avago 3090 sensor master race have had that issue mate no. However I am having the slam my mouse on my desk issue when the netcode ***** me. Note to self, must not break £50 mouse :/

THANK YOU! I reinstalled win7 at the weekend because I got an SSD just to make the load times faster and I totally forgot to un-check that!

Pleasure, anything I can do to help I will :D

ps If anyone fancies a game or two today feel free to pop (LevelBf's TS) I may be afk but feel free to poke me.
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Neither myself or any of my fellow members of the avago 3090 sensor master race have had that issue mate no. However I am having the slam my mouse on my desk issue when the netcode ***** me. Note to self, must not break £50 mouse :/

That's good to hear mate cheers, I've got a 3.5g DA at the moment which I believe uses an S3888 but I've been maxing it out a lot recently; so the mouse could be done for or my QCK heavy is in need of some TLC :p Either way it's a good excuse to give the EC2 a go!
slam my mouse on my desk issue when the netcode ***** me. Note to self, must not break £50 mouse :/

ps If anyone fancies a game or two today feel free to pop (LevelBf's TS) I may be afk but feel free to poke me.

my headset has almost been through my monitor a few times ;) and the mouse :p need to surround myself with inexpensive, breakable items to rage at xD

conquest large after work? ew knows it! ETA 6.5 hours :)
I do hpe they let me map the B button for VOIP. The fact that it brings up the console is totally dumb. I've always used B for VOIP and I am using all the buttons round it.
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