Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

1. Don't use RPG against infantry, no matter what. All it does it confirm your inability to use a weapon and make you look like an idiot.
Oh you're gonna love me then :D RPG v infantry is fine if you ask me.
2. Don't play sniper. It's stupid. Particularly when playing an objective based game such as Rush or Conquest - it does not contribute to the team in any way whatsoever so just don't do it.
3. Support players actually do your job and Support people! Drop ammo, every couple of minutes just throw a box down. You get points too - what's so hard to understand?
4. Use vehicles to your advantage. I personally prefer infantry only but if you do have an APC for example, don't sit on the edge of the map. Push up and provide cover for your team whilst they capture a flag.
I play on a 3G connection that could only really be described as "ropey" most of the time now. Ingame it's not too bad, though there are moments where the latency difference is evidently affecting the reg / performance. Nothing as bad as that video though, not even close!

I've come across these moments far to often in certain action intensive moments
Im trying to set space bar as pitch up in jets but no matter what it still defaults as fire. Space is not set as fire aswell but what ever I try it still fires! :mad:

Anybody else have this issue? I don't want to shoot everytime I pitch up!
I thought it was that map, so damn quiet lol :D

Out of interest though how many on this forum have netcode, hitreg issues in BF4?

Netcode yes.

Hitreg no.

I've come across these moments far to often in certain action intensive moments

That player was dead way before he even shot at that guy (but not from the players POV obv) hence no bullets hit; all the damage came from behind.

Neil, considering I never have any problems with hitreg but I do die to people after I have ran round a corner or ducked behind cover perhaps it is something on your end that is adding to already bad netcode and that's why you, and others, have such bad hitreg issues and then other people don't. If it helps I am on BT infinity and I play on servers that have pings less than 70. Oh and I use an ethernet cable not wireless.
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1. Don't use RPG against infantry, no matter what. All it does it confirm your inability to use a weapon and make you look like an idiot.

What about the MBT LAW?
I've used it a few times against infantry, even got a triple kill with it once :D
One other notable time was against a sniper on Paracel who was too far away for the MX4 to do anything worthwhile, and since he was standing still.... ;)

Then again, I have admitted to being a noob...
2. Don't play sniper. It's stupid. Particularly when playing an objective based game such as Rush or Conquest - it does not contribute to the team in any way whatsoever so just don't do it.

I used to play Recon a lot in BF3 in Rush, usually with a "DMR" and attacking with the team, sniper killing, planting radio beacons and TUGS; finding it very difficult to do that on this game and the number of snipers has gone up a lot...

I'm not sure whether it's do with how open the maps that I'm playing on are or whether I'm just out of practice. Also, that was on the 360, I guess using a controler might be to do with it.

Might stick with support for a while until I'm used to the map layouts. Must remember to drop ammo boxes ;)
1. Don't use RPG on inf

2. Don't play sniper.

3. Support players actually do your job and Support people!

4. Use vehicles to your advantage.

1. depends on situation, guy camping in a building through a window.... I'm blowing up the corner of that building :p also nothing quite like rpging a sniper from across the map xD if he doesn't get out of the way in the 6 secs it might take the rocket to make its way to him then he deserves to die xD

2. dont EVERYONE play sniper more like :p not seen it as much in bf4 yet but thinking back to bf3...when people would get spawn locked loads would just go to sniper and not push....yes you may be taking out enemies but you're not following it up! also not played sniper much in bf4 but I try to move about a bit, spotting everything in sight and lazing targets if they get close enough :)

3. 100% agree! nothing more frustrating than a medic running past or having to chase a support guy, shooting him with your last few bullets and spamming chat to hope that he gets the hint you need ammo :p

4.100% can play defensively but get stuck in at least!
Errrm no.

The exact same thing happened to me all the time in BF3 and people are still playing the franchise

I played a fair bit of BF3 and I never thought or felt that the hit reg/netcode was anywhere near as bad as it is in BF4.

I'm hoping DICE have a client patch coming soon to fix a lot of the bugs and hopefully this issue as well.
1. depends on situation, guy camping in a building through a window.... I'm blowing up the corner of that building :p also nothing quite like rpging a sniper from across the map xD if he doesn't get out of the way in the 6 secs it might take the rocket to make its way to him then he deserves to die xD

This. If someone is using cover, I find one of the most amazing things about BF4 is I can fire an RPG and bring down the house on him. These types of real world dynamics are just amazing if you ask me. I tend to use my gun 99% of the time but RPG on inf has it's place.
ak5c is a beast still, great for close and medium range, not so much long range (need to prone and single shot to get a kill quickly enough). I am rocking a kobra sight, magnifier, silencer and stubby grip for it.

I'm using the M416 with those, thx for the tip about the magnifier, didn't think to use that. I found the stubby grip suits me too.

Getting into Rush atm, just finding my feet with the maps now. Had to give Conquest a rest wasn't going anywhere. I will play Rush more then move bk onto Conquest.
If it helps I am on BT infinity and I play on servers that have pings less than 70. Oh and I use an ethernet cable not wireless.

30meg sky broadband, ethernet and pick servers less than 50ms ping :)

10-30% Network Smoothing, 100FOV, High frame rates

It was the same in BF3 and I've moved house 3 times now! The first address I was on BT. BFBC2 was far far far far better. But it is better to see that I'm not the only one this time and a much higher majority is having problems, some worse than me :D
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sky broadband say no more neil :p useless.

and I was originally on BT. Sky is one of the best broadband providers. I've had one or two disconnects in the time I've used it in the last two different addresses :). Not my problem if you were treated unfairly

I wish EA would go back to the same set up as BFBC2 :(, I remember you saying that Helier was an aimbot user in bfbc2 though so I wasn't the only one with BF issues :D
and I was originally on BT. Sky is one of the best broadband providers. I've had one or two disconnects in the time I've used it in the last two different addresses :). Not my problem if you were treated unfairly

I wish EA would go back to the same set up as BFBC2 :(, I remember you saying that Helier was an aimbot user in bfbc2 though so I wasn't the only one with BF issues :D

what has that got to do with anything lol he had bans previous :confused: also you of all people can hardly comment on cheating ! LOL.

on that subject noticed a lot of pbbans today for bf4 :cool:
Some idiot brought down C Tower on SoS in my last game leading to half the people on the server CTD. I've yet to suffer with any of these 'levelution' crashes before.

I wonder why it's happening to some and not others? :confused:
Remember that moment the other day when we was fighting the Attack boat on Parcel in rush mode haha?

We was getting anihalated then I was in the water and managed to get my repair tool out and kill it with the repair tool hahahaha.

I say thats now a very viable tactic.

haha yup I remember :D Terrible boat driver though, he shouldn't have stopped right beside land lol.

Was a good round that!

I'm using the M416 with those, thx for the tip about the magnifier, didn't think to use that. I found the stubby grip suits me too.

Getting into Rush atm, just finding my feet with the maps now. Had to give Conquest a rest wasn't going anywhere. I will play Rush more then move bk onto Conquest.

M416 is a great weapon, I use it when I will be encountering people at medium-long range and the aek for CQ combat.

Magnifier is probably my favourite attachment so far, great for medium-long range and makes getting headshots easier.

Still not 100% sure on what foregrips to use for each gun.....

I need to play some more rush, only played on paracel and operation locker, guoldway railway (only first base though) so far, enjoyed rush on those maps though. Hopefully the other maps are just as good.

Netcode/hit reg. sucks for me and even more since r7, tons of hits, see the blood and the wee animation the player does when hit but no hit markers, I am watching a corner and somehow I get shot before the guy even comes into my sights?!?! He only just comes around the corner as it switches to the killcam......

The fact that soooooo many people have posted videos about it (even lvlcap, xfactor, anderzel etc. have complained about it!) and are complaining about it on every forum shows that there is a problem with the game/netcode/hit reg., not the person's PC, connection etc.

BF 4 netcode/hit reg. makes BF 3 look amazing :o
well even though im not really enjoying this game its stopped crashing now since rolling back to amd 13.3 drivers, it warns me about them each time I load but they run much better than the latest buggy crap ones.
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