Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

plusnet FTW!!!!! :D majority of server I join I have the (or close to) lowest ping in the server :) 73down and 17 up ;) boom! only had one or two hiccups with it over the past year which were quickly fixed :D

I was on VM but they kept messing and lying/misinforming me about things. They started trialing a new traffic management policy in my area a while back where instead of say being able to upload 3GB between 3pm-7pm (or what ever) they were doing it hourly at a reduced this time I was streaming lots and after an hour of streaming my upload only would get throttled down from the pityful 2.8mb I was getting down to <1mb ....needless to say streaming was pretty much impossible....what really annoyed me was that with such a low upload it affects your download too :(

So I phoned them up saying why is my connection gone down they said nope im not being throttled and nothing is wrong with the line and that it was my pc. gave it a few hours and the speed came back, streamed again....and what would you know...about an hour later i get throttled again. so after phoning VM a few times over a few days I finally got through to someone who talked sense, he said I WAS being throttled but not in the usual way and after checking for me told me that it's a new policy they are testing :( so not much I can do about that.

so phoning up cancellations at VM stating I was leaving because their upload is pitifully slow and their traffic management makes it impossible for me to stream....they suggest I give them more money to get the 120mb pachage which would give me up to 10mb upload and more allowance....whe nI asked how much they couldn't tell me as no one knew the details of the policy as it was "changing all the time"....even said they had a document on their system which was just blank...GG VM :p no to mention they wanted me to pay more! so I said well plusnet can give me 75 down and up to 19 up for less with no throttling and they called me a liar xD so I told them where to shove it :) still get letters offering "exclusive deals" which I promptly rip up and bin :D
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plusnet FTW!!!!! :D majority of server I join I have the (or close to) lowest ping in the server :) 73down and 17 up ;) boom! only had one or two hiccups with it over the past year which were quickly fixed :D

Same as with Sky, although your speeds kick my arse :D:D

Netcode/hit reg. sucks for me and even more since r7, tons of hits, see the blood and the wee animation the player does when hit but no hit markers, I am watching a corner and somehow I get shot before the guy even comes into my sights?!?! He only just comes around the corner as it switches to the killcam......

BF 4 netcode/hit reg. makes BF 3 look amazing :o

I have noticed it has worstened since R7, the beta was great!
Same as with Sky, although your speeds kick my arse :D:D

fiber and living pretty close to the exchange and road side cab :D was thinking about sky but we aren;t allowed it in our flats unless several want to get it and go in for a communal dish :p not that I want much tv anyway so wasn;t bothered :D
Hit reg for me was utter cack during the beta.

The DMR's had an almost permanent suppression effect even without a shot being fired at me.

Hit reg at the moment just isn't consistent.
Yes, had to delete folder in BF4, then reinstall it and update BF4, then stop the processes, selected them to automatically run and then start the two processes.

yes i did in the wee hours of this morning there is a punkbuster install file in the game just need to reinstall it from there

thank you, all sorted now
What about the MBT LAW?
I've used it a few times against infantry, even got a triple kill with it once :D
One other notable time was against a sniper on Paracel who was too far away for the MX4 to do anything worthwhile, and since he was standing still.... ;)

Then again, I have admitted to being a noob...

I would have been fuming if you'd have used it against me. I'll add a caveat to my comment - if you are using the RPG to take out a sniper then that's allowed. But if it's a case of "I can't be bothered to even try and kill him using my weapon so I'll fire a RPG" then I think that's just lame.

I used to play Recon a lot in BF3 in Rush, usually with a "DMR" and attacking with the team, sniper killing, planting radio beacons and TUGS; finding it very difficult to do that on this game and the number of snipers has gone up a lot...

I'm not sure whether it's do with how open the maps that I'm playing on are or whether I'm just out of practice. Also, that was on the 360, I guess using a controler might be to do with it.

Might stick with support for a while until I'm used to the map layouts. Must remember to drop ammo boxes ;)

I don't mind if a sniper is doing something useful, but three snipers all camping on a hill not even bothering to go for the objective is pointless. A squad needs one sniper at the most to use the spawn beacon and TUGs - but I see no other reason for them. I know a couple of servers limit the number of snipers to avoid hill camping.

I am yet to find to find a 'useful sniper' on Battlefield. Support is a good kit, but don't forget those ammo boxes. :mad:

1. depends on situation, guy camping in a building through a window.... I'm blowing up the corner of that building :p also nothing quite like rpging a sniper from across the map xD if he doesn't get out of the way in the 6 secs it might take the rocket to make its way to him then he deserves to die xD

2. dont EVERYONE play sniper more like :p not seen it as much in bf4 yet but thinking back to bf3...when people would get spawn locked loads would just go to sniper and not push....yes you may be taking out enemies but you're not following it up! also not played sniper much in bf4 but I try to move about a bit, spotting everything in sight and lazing targets if they get close enough :)

3. 100% agree! nothing more frustrating than a medic running past or having to chase a support guy, shooting him with your last few bullets and spamming chat to hope that he gets the hint you need ammo :p

4.100% can play defensively but get stuck in at least!

Pretty much agree on this. My issue is with the laziness of some players to use their main weapon so instead choose to just fire a rocket - incredibly lame. Glad you are a spotter, I'm constantly spamming Q when running around.
I would have been fuming if you'd have used it against me. I'll add a caveat to my comment - if you are using the RPG to take out a sniper then that's allowed. But if it's a case of "I can't be bothered to even try and kill him using my weapon so I'll fire a RPG" then I think that's just lame.

I usually get infantry RPG kills because I'm aiming for a tank, some dude pops out and there's no time to switch. Still hilarious though.

I don't mind if a sniper is doing something useful, but three snipers all camping on a hill not even bothering to go for the objective is pointless. A squad needs one sniper at the most to use the spawn beacon and TUGs - but I see no other reason for them. I know a couple of servers limit the number of snipers to avoid hill camping.

You seem to use "sniper" and "recon" as interchangeable, which they aren't IMO. Long-range campy-rifle-no-spot-useless-dimwits should be limited to 1 or 2 per team IMO, but unfortunately that also limits Carbine-in-your-face-C4-packing-motion-detecting-awsomeness.
Pretty much agree on this. My issue is with the laziness of some players to use their main weapon so instead choose to just fire a rocket - incredibly lame. Glad you are a spotter, I'm constantly spamming Q when running around.

haha yea xD with any kit I'm spamming Q constantly....swear i spend more time ingame pointing at things than having my hand on the gun hehe xD

oh...not so sure on opinions on this but if I'm a passenger in a little bird I will RPG out the side...vehicles and on inf :p most of the time moving to erratically anyway but sometimes do get a kill hit with the rpg :rolleyes: but then I run out of ammo so start gunning from the passenger seat xD now that feels good!
I usually get infantry RPG kills because I'm aiming for a tank, some dude pops out and there's no time to switch. Still hilarious though.

You seem to use "sniper" and "recon" as interchangeable, which they aren't IMO. Long-range campy-rifle-no-spot-useless-dimwits should be limited to 1 or 2 per team IMO, but unfortunately that also limits Carbine-in-your-face-C4-packing-motion-detecting-awsomeness.

Collateral damage kills are fine. My issue is when the Engineer makes no effort to engage the enemy with his gun but instead just opts to fire a rocket at them.

Agree there is a difference between the two roles. Was playing with MyPenusIsStronk who was playing the Recon kit but using an assault rifle which actually served a purpose.

haha yea xD with any kit I'm spamming Q constantly....swear i spend more time ingame pointing at things than having my hand on the gun hehe xD

oh...not so sure on opinions on this but if I'm a passenger in a little bird I will RPG out the side...vehicles and on inf :p most of the time moving to erratically anyway but sometimes do get a kill hit with the rpg :rolleyes: but then I run out of ammo so start gunning from the passenger seat xD now that feels good!

Spotting is beneficial for everybody on the team, plus those extra 25 points for a kill from a team member soon add up so it's worth doing.

I remember back in BF2 when I didn't mind vehicles I was always a gunner for somebody in my clan who was a real attack helicopter pilot in the USAF - such good times!
Anyone getting kicked and disconnected by PB within seconds of joining a game (after the level loads and you're on the deploy screen) due to 'RESTRICTION: service communication failure: PnkBstrA.exe'?

It's just done it on the last 4 attempts and PB is up to date.
I've had bethere (ADSL2), Virgin and BT Infinity. Virgin jitter was so bad I got rid of it after a month and went back to bethere. I then got btinfinty, only had one issues where I was getting interference and they sent a decent engineer out to fix it 2 days later. Since then my line has been perfect and the 80mb download is also nice.
Anyone getting kicked and disconnected by PB within seconds of joining a game (after the level loads and you're on the deploy screen) due to 'RESTRICTION: service communication failure: PnkBstrA.exe'?

It's just done it on the last 4 attempts and PB is up to date.

I think this this was addressed in the past few pages, it's not that it isn't installed, it's that the system services aren't running.
I have no problem using, or having an RPG used against me. If I engage in a firefight with someone, and say they're in a building, and I run out of bullets, I'll launch a quick RPG in their direction before reloading my main weapon. If that annoys other people, then boo hoo for them.

If DICE didn't want RPGs to kill infantry, they'd make it so. But it works, so why not?

I wouldn't run around with my RPG out just to shoot infantry though, although if I have it out whilst looking for armour and someone surprises me, they'll get one in their face.
Is anyone else getting more or less constant crashes since the last server update? Before I would get the odd crash every few games, now I can't finish a single game without a crash. It's not a server crash, it's the one where you just get a froze screen and have to task manager out.

I'm using a 7970 on 13.11 and a 2500k.
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