Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

Well they have put the Heli TV reload to 30 seconds. Not sure if I'll be playing this much past Christmas if not before. Attack chopper is complete mincemeat with no way of fighting back, so ****** off.

This, I mince the attack choppers in my little bird ALL the time, they are annoying little flies compared to the might of the LB with full upgrades. Division 1 world scout helicopters now :cool:
to some with fast connections it doesnt really matter does it. for eg to me it takes 20 minutes to re download it. cuppa tea its re done :D

Takes you 20 minutes to make a cup of tea? Man, i'd hate to be a guest at your house. ;)
LB are damn annoying especially with those explosive rounds.....

Sooo annoying when you got two guys constantly repairing it as well. You have to get out of a tank etc. to repair it so why not do the same for the LB.......

LVLCap uploaded a nice video about balance the other day, I agree with most of his points, especially regarding vehicles.
This, I mince the attack choppers in my little bird ALL the time, they are annoying little flies compared to the might of the LB with full upgrades. Division 1 world scout helicopters now :cool:

Out of interest what loadout do you use on the LB? I think i'm in Div 1 world too but probably more luck than judgement. I rock the 30mm cannons which get me most of my kills, still have heatseekers on but should probably ditch those? Tried using ECM jammer but it didn't seem to work so moved back to flares :)

Patch = 1GB. Issues sorted = None. Issues now included/unresolved = blur, stuttering, further netcode issues, sound bug still happens


What gets me is it is totally random.. Couldn't play two rounds together last night without crashing. There just went through 5 rounds without one crash, netcode/hitreg seemed bang on to me..
Wow that pulsing gfx bug is very bizarre. Was particularly severe for me on Lancang Dam near the A control point


The drone

I do hope that the L85 doesn't have the similar unlock requirements to BF3. Having to play SDM was a massive grind.

I presume the same for the boat TV missile?

IMO it needed to be done (you just had people spamming TV missiles non stop from the other side of the map.....), although 30 seconds is too long considering it takes 2-3 TV missiles to take a boat, tank etc. out now.

The jets are the only vehicles that need to be completely nerfed imo, more so the attack jet, complete joke, still have these rounds were one great jet pilot can turn a game around by himself :rolleyes:

Any other note worthy changes?

I agree with the boats, I have seen too many players sitting at the back of the map firing off missiles rather that getting stuck in and doing something productive.

I don't think the attack jets need nerfing too much. I think the fighter jets need improving, so you can effectively deal with attack jets. As it stands that attack jets can fly as fast, turn with, and effectively dog fight the fighter jets. Along with the ground attack capacity to boot.
I don't think the attack jets need nerfing too much. I think the fighter jets need improving, so you can effectively deal with attack jets. As it stands that attack jets can fly as fast, turn with, and effectively dog fight the fighter jets. Along with the ground attack capacity to boot.

Biggest problem with fighter jet vs attack jet is that the attack jet has a very weak main gun. Any good pilot can avoid heatseekers but with the attack jet having a poor gun it's hard to come out on top of an attack jet.
I play this game pretty regularly, in fact it's the only game I play, but I'm still lost with 70% of the abbreviations you guys use :D
AA has been nerfed I think, I'm div 1 but the old 2 passive rockets and a decent burst with the cannons doesn't get a destroy now, seems to be 3 rockets and a massive burst with the cannons.

I got shot by an MTAR earlier, didn't realise it was a DLC gun, the auto mortar looks fun.
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